Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Comparison of the discrimination Essay Example for Free

Comparison of the discrimination Essay To conclude this comparison of these two groups, the Dalits in India and the Indigenous Australians, I believe their situations can be linked and related to. The Dalits in India are regarded as the lowest of the low and are treated like rats. They are not given proper education and healthcare and not allowed to mix with non-Dalits. The IA on the other hand had there numbers decline mostly due to the European diseases brought to the country and also due to cultural genocide (the process of taking the aboriginal children and breeding them with non IAs, thus killing off the IA population). These two groups are closely related however in the case of the IAs they were the first natural inhabitants of Australia. This is the opposite to the Dalits, they were originally from India however the caste system in India has forced them into poverty. What has forced IA into poverty is the massive presence of the white population and has made the IA into a minority. However there have been recent apologies by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd of Australia to the indigenous Australians, which I would say is respectful. However there has been no sympathy towards the Dalits from the upper classes, they want the Dalits to stay in this low status for as long as possible. To conclude I believe the Dalits suffer more than the IAs, not just because of the way they are treated but the sheer number of them as a whole. Bibliography: Research on Dalits: Internet (, Research on IAs: Internet (,, Research using class notes on IAs and Dalits.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Production Notes :: College Theatre Festival Papers

Production Notes Preface The slides and video that are found on this web site are recordings of a production of Measure for Measure mounted at the College of the Holy Cross in the fall of 1996. In February, 1997, the production was re-mounted at Brandeis University as part of the American College Theatre Festival. The following notes formed the conceptual basis for the production. First Response In the final months of the twentieth century, Measure provides us with a searing allegory about a society that is divided severely along economic and social lines. The ubiquitious moral rot of Shakespeare's play parallels our contemporary world. The political and social hypocricy of rulers who abuse power for personal gain while criticizing and punishing the lower classes comes right out of the evening news. Some issues of the play hit home harder today and in a radically different manner then they would have in Shakespeare's day. Ideas such as sexual harrassment and immorality connote wildly different things to a contemporary audience, particularly in light of recent current events. Talking Points I. Measure for Measure is a play about power--political, economic, and sexual power--and how these three interrelated phenomena intersect with catastrophic consequences when they are abused by an inadequate leader. But it is essential to note that the play is not against the use of power per se, because the entire crisis is instigated by the failure of a rightful ruler to exercise properly his responsibilities of office. Indeed, the entire arc of the play is about how this ruler--Duke Vincentio--learns about the nature of power and the necessity of its public demonstration. It can be argued that, in many respects, the play is a primer about effective leadership and must be viewed as a humanistic revision of Machievelli's The Prince. II. Political power must be exercised correctly and sexual desires must be pursued properly. Without sex there is no propagation of the species and without political restraint there is no maintenance of the social order. Political responsibility cannot be avoided and neither can the fundamental need of humans to fornicate. Without restraint, however, the pursuit of these intersecting fundamental drives will undermine the stability of society. Measure for Measure argues that political power must be exercised in a principled manner and sexual intercourse must occur under the sanction of marriage. III. A recurring theme in the plays of Shakespeare is the nature of effective leadership.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Contexts of disabilities Essay

Section 1 = Legislation and polices that support the human rights and inclusion of individuals with learning disabilities. 1.1 Identify current legislation and polices used by the care sector that are designed to promote the human rights, inclusion, equal life chances and citizenship of individuals with learning disabilities. Legislations and polices is improve the health and wellbeing of people with a learning disability. This legislation and polices balancing their rights with responsibilities. It basically makes it against the law to discriminate against people due to them having a disability. Legislation and polices is deliberate very clear rules which every care sector have to follow which make SEN people life better than before. Employers may still have reasonable medical criteria for employment. The act defines disability as a substantial and long term adverse effect on person’s ability to carry out daily task. One of the main causes of discrimination is the fear and lack of understanding of others because they are different. In order to prevent discrimination it is important to value people and treat them differently in order to meet their different needs. -Human Rights Act 1998 become law in 2000 gives people rights that there were wished-for to prevent discrimination -Mental Capacity Act2005. Human beings have value and should be treated equally based on the fact that they are human fist. Human worth is not based on either capacity or incapacity. Human rights include the right to life, liberty and security and respect for a private and family life is well. England and Wales have had laws against discrimination since the 1960s. The Race Relations Acts of 1965, 1968 and 1976 outlawed race discrimination, the Equal Pay Act 1970 and the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 outl awed gender discrimination and the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 outlawed disability discrimination. -Care Standard Act 2000 -Disability Discrimination Act 1995-2005 -Equality Act 2010 -National Health service and Community Act 1990 -procedure and policies of any organization -Codes of Practice This is an act of the parliament of the United Kingdom which has now been replaced by the Equality Act 2010. Legislation under the EqA it is unlawful  to discriminate against someone who has a disability. The EqA provides protection against discrimination that happens at work, in the provision of services, public functions and premises, and in education. The EqA also deals with discrimination in associations. It does so by making discrimination unlawful in a number of ways, and by providing legal remedies to individuals who experience discrimination 1.2 Explain how this legislation influences the day to day experiences of individuals with learning disabilities and their families The legislation who promotes people rights gives protection to people with disabilities not to be discriminated against on the grounds of their disabilities. Parents of children with special needs often feel that they are the only ones who can handle their child’s care. This is certainly true to an extent but that doesn’t mean that you can’t get away for a few hours every now and then. By leaving your child with a trusted sitter or family member you are teaching your child to handle change. Your child will develop the resilience and adaptability that every kid deserves to learn, regardless of overall health. Legislation gives SEN people and family Explain how policies influence the day to day experiences of individuals with learning disabilities and their families. Learning disabilities is life time impairment and usual is reducing the ability of the people to live independently. Disable people have the same fundamental rights as any other people. People with learning disabilities should have a support for their needs and this support is given by family and care worker. It is difficult to paint a portrait of what it’s like to manage the day-to-day life of a child with SEN; Getting a job or education, travelling, going for a drink or to the cinema with friends is ordinary activities but for disabled people remain difficult to achie. Our day to day practices and attitude are important in how effective this policies and rights are followed in real life. Is very important to family members and carers who are supporting people with learning disabilities to†¦ but you may feel confused and distressed. But there is help available for people and families from health, education and social services, 2.1- Explain what is meant by ‘Learning disability’ give examples of causes of learning disabilities including before birth, during birth and after birth. Having a learning disability  means that people find it harder to learn certain life skills. The problems experienced vary from person to person. There is no clear and widely accepted definition of â€Å"Learning disability†. It is important to remember that people with learning disabilities are people first. Someone with mild disabilities may be able to live independently with minimal support, whereas someone with severe and profound disabilities may require 24 hour care, and help with performing most daily living skills. The World Health Organisation defines learning disabilities as â€Å"a state of arrested or incomplete development of mind.† This means that somebody with a learning disability will have difficulties understanding, learning and remembering, and these difficulties will have an effect on their ability to interact socially, to communicate with others, to learn new things, and sometimes to undertake physical tasks.[Department of Health 2001] Learning disabilities are caused by something that affects the way the brain develops. This may occur when brain is still developing-before birth (prenatally), during birth, or in early childhood. †¢ There are around 1.5 million people in the UK with learning disabilities. These impairments are present when a baby is born or acquired shortly afterwards. These are some examples. Before birth things can happen to the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) that can cause a learning disability. A child can be born with a learning disability if the mother has an accident or illness while she is pregnant, or if the unborn baby develops certain genes Some examples of birth defects that affect the nervous system include Autism, Down syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, and Fragile X syndrome. Autism-Some people with autism are able to live relatively independent lives but others may have accompanying learning disabilities and need a lifetime of specialist support. People with autism may also experience over- or under-sensitivity to sounds, touch, tastes, smells, light or colours. Asperger syndrome is a form of autism. People with Asperger syndrome are often of average or above average intelligence. They have fewer problems with speech but may still have difficulties with understanding and processing language. During birth- A person can be born with a learning disability if he or she  does not get enough oxygen during childbirth, or is born too early. Anoxia is a condition in which the brain of the baby does not receive enough oxygen to allow it to develop properly. Anoxia can cause certain forms of epilepsy, mental deficiency, cerebral palsy, and behaviour disorders. If the amount of brain damage is not too severe, however, it may be possible to compensate for the disorder to some extent. Epilepsy can often be controlled with drugs, for instance, and many children with cerebral palsy can learn to control their affected muscles. After birth- After birth a learning disability can be caused by early childhood illnesses. Some childhood infections can affect the brain, causing learning disability; the most common of these are encephalitis and meningitis. Social and environmental factors, such as poor housing conditions, poor diet and health care, malnutrition, lack of stimulation and all forms of child abuse may lead to learning disability. Severe head injury, for example from a road accident, may result in learning disability 2.2- State the approximate proportion of individuals with a learning disability for whom the cause is â€Å"not known†. 2.3- Describe the possible impact on a family of having a member with a learning disability. Coping with a child’s learning disability is stressful for any paren. How will family members take the news? Some time parents will accept the problem and offer support right away. But some parent avoiding talking about child’s LD because they feeling ashamed or hiding something, embarrassed, or guilty. Being in the family of a child with LD is difficult and challenging in every step of your life. These can be a involving practical and emotional issues. There are medical and educational decisions, financial pressures, and time constraints — all likely to represent additional responsibilities for parents. And all typical emotions naturally concern, frustration, anger, self-recrimination and blame — also contribute to the pressures normally upsetting to the family stability and divisive to a marriage. Also Parents have to balance the demands of all their children, not just those with special needs. eg.. Siblings often feel jealous of all the extra attention a child with LD needs, such as extra help on homework,  tutoring, time spent , and may be they quickly to say anger or make comments that can hurt. 1-Know the difference between the medical and social models of disability. 1.1/1.2Over the past few years there are number of ‘models’ of disability which have been clear. The two most commonly mentioned are the ‘social’ and the ‘medical’ models of disability. Medical Model-Medical model of disability views disability as a ‘problem’ or â€Å"the victim† belongs to the disabled person. Sometime they think is a ‘personal tragedy’. They think it is not a concern anyone other than the individual affected. Medical model belief that disable person should make extra effort to ensure that they can do it by them self and not inconvenience anyone else rather then they self. Medical model is professional dominance and there are well qualified, experience and professional people.This model more focuses on the need of persons physical, sensory or mental functioning, and use a clinical way support an individual’s disabi lity. Medical model focus is on what person cannot do, rather then what they do. Social Model-Social model is more inclusive. They think disability is a social problem and self help groups and systems benefits disable people enormously. Social model think disable people have individual identity and they should receive all rights and responsibility. They think they should make their own choices. They try and make possible for how SEN people can participate in activity on same level with non-disabled people. Social model make some certain adjustment for disabled people so they can enjoy the event and not excluded from. For that some time you have to spend some money and time is well. The principal of the social model is that this should be respected every people whether they disable or not. 1.3-Outline how each of the models has developed and evolved over time. Living with disability that is one of the difficulties we can’t even imagine what they going through? People judge differently, Disabled person was also hidden away from the society by family members. There was institution run by government and DR would recommended to parents placed the child and forget about their by family. they often forgotten about theme. E.g.. Is there children are safe? Is their needs are meet? How and what condition they are  live? In this institution there were many that traded poorly, abused, neglected and murdered either by family members or at the hands of institution workers. Sometime there were not enough people to take care of them and so they tied baby to their beds even abused physically is well. A lot of them were died at young ages due to severe neglects and abused. People commonly used â€Å"Moron, stupid, idiot, freaks† labels for special needs person.. Most of these pleases are finally closed down in 80’s, 90’s. Now we use group homes and residential treatment programs for today’s society. Family also takes care of their disabled children and adults children and grandparents. We have more understanding and empathy now and authorities are more answerable is well. Also people more educated and get more knowledge about disabled people. This changed people view. Not only society but medical model was very limited for disable person. People have not up to date qualification to help disable people. There was very pity and negative attitude in hospital is well. In hospital Dr and nurse avoid to treat the disabled person. There have no feeling for them and seeing as They feel the society does not accept them; therefore they have low self-esteem and la ck confidence in themselves. This causes them to back down when they face problems. Children and young people with disabilities face discrimination, this means they are sectioned out, compared to the normal people of the society and they have fewer choices. For example; some children/young People are physically disabled which enable them to do such activities and they do not always receive the support they need, due to lack of medical help. Children with disabilities have fewer opportunities compared to other children in society because they cannot always do the things other children can do. Disabled people are still struggling for the right to use public transport, have access to building, go to school or college with their friends and siblings or to get a job this has a negative impact on the disabled children because they lose confidence and they are unable to do the activity the other child is able to do. Lack of confidence will also affect the child in the future. Time is change now because Disability Discrimination Activity (1995) has helped but people with disabilities still often feel that the dominant culture sees then as different from everyone else. Some parts of society  shows positive attitudes towards disabled children to show that they support them. They try and give an impact that they believe everyone is equal and have the same human rights. Nowadays the government show a positive attitude towards disabled children/ young people and their families by proving help and support legally because of the ‘Disability Act 1995 and 2005’ and ‘Every Child Matters 2003’ These acts give more human rights to disabled children. For example, in schools disabled children are given the right to be educated with normal kids and they are given all the support and encouragement, such as teachers would use sign language to help communicate with the child if needed. Also teachers teach all students sign language so that they are able to communicate with the special need child. This is helpful for the special need child because they feel more comfortable in their environment and equally treated. 1.4- Give examples of where each model of disability may be used in service delivery. Example of medical model: Disable student unable to go to the building because in entrance they have steps. The medical model would recommend and blamed the wheelchair that this is because of the wheelchair, rather than the steps. A teacher who refuses to make a hand-out in a larger font for a visually impaired student. for that reason The student cannot participate in the class discussion; A member of staff who refuses to make available a copy of a PowerPoint presentation before a lecture. This creates a barrier to learning for the dyslexic students in the group who are likely to have a slower processing and writing speed and who will struggle to understand and record the key points; Example of Social model: Disable person wants to go in to the building but is it not possible because in building have a step in entrance. Under the social model there is solution, they put ramp or the stars lift in to the entrance so that wheelchair user is immediately and easy to go in to the building and participate the event. A teenager wants to live independently in their own home but he can’t afford to pay the rent. Under the social model, they find supper {claim benefits} for the teenager so he can pay rent and live in their own home. A child with visual impairment to read the latest novel, so he can join the cultural activates with everyone else. A solution for social model is that they makes full-text audio recordings available when book is fist published so child can involved in activity and not exclude. 2.1 Identify how the principles of each model are reflected in service delivery. The principal of each model are reflected in service delivery by meeting the additional needs of the disabled person. E.g. A child who is deaf needs support from medical model and specialised equipment from social model, A child who is wheelchair bound needs a support worker for the medical model and involvement in all activites for the social model. The medical model of disability impacts on the inclusion by needing the rights equipment. The social model of disability impact on the inclusion by needing a supports worker. The medical model of disability impacts on the rights by being able to do activities that able child can do. The social model of disability impacts on the rights by having the freedom of choices. The medical model self-government having and provide special materials, help and support and the right medication. The social model finds individuals needs by having one to one time every so often and having the correct facilities. 2.2 Explain how each of the models of disability impacts on the: Inclusion: The Early Years Foundation Stage [EYFS] and the National Curriculum give clear guidance’s on an inclusive approach to learning and assessment. The EYFS provides a statement on the duty of settings to meet the needs of all children in relation. We must respect people as they are and not discrimination due to any of team and condition and treat them all same. All children should get the same attention and service. E.g. all children should get the same food menu, and play together regarding of sex, race and disability. Inclusion also involves eliminating discrimination and promoting equality. Throughout its work, the Council is committed to being inclusive – valuing and reflecting the full diversity of the community it serves. It will believe and communicate that: We should focus on individuality Treat children with equal concern, not all the same Avoid stereotyping Provide positive images When we start remove this barriers and make sure that all children and family can be feel include and part of it. Working towards inclusion involved We need to respond in such a way that barriers to participation, learning and achievement are removed, inclusion and equality are promoted and a high quality education for all is developed and sustained. An inclusive approach reflects a move away from a deficit model which focuses on aspects of the learner as the problem, where the learner is viewed as deficient in some way. A deficit model also pays inadequate attention to factors such as social expectations, or aspects of the education system or learning environment that could be changed to enable diverse learners to participate and learn. Also, categorising an individual or a group by a single or a few characteristics may be misleading and doesn’t recognise the whole person. Developing inclusion will involve learners, professionals, partners, parents, carers and the wider community. Rights: Inclusion also involves eliminating discrimination and promoting equality. Diversity of It will believe and communicate that: Everyone have to right to be included Everyone has the right to be treated fairly Everyone has the right equality of access We must respect people as they are and not discrimination due to any of team and condition and treat them all same. All children should get the same attention and service. E.g. all children should get the same food menu, and play together regarding of sex, race and disability. Autonomy: Needs of individuals: 2.3-Explain how own practice promotes the principal of inclusion: Disability Discrimination Act 1995 Protects the rights of all those with disabilities. It also places a duty on schools (and other organisations) to eliminate barriers to ensure that  individuals can gain equal access to services Disability Discrimination Act 2005 Places a duty for schools to produce a Disability Equality Scheme (DES) and an Access Plan. Schools must encourage participation in all aspects of school life and eliminate harassment and unlawful discrimination Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 Makes it unlawful for educational providers to discriminate against pupils with a special educational need or a disability Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000Outlines the duty of organisations to promote good relationships between people from different races. Human Rights Act 1998 Sets out rights of all individuals and allows them to take action against authorities when their rights have been affected Children Act 1989 Sets out the duty of local authorities (including schools) to provide services according to the needs of children and to ensure their safety and welfare Children Act 2004 Sets out the duty to provide effective and accessible services for all children and underpins the five Every Child Matters outcomes Education Act 1996 Sets out the school’s responsibilities towards children with special educational needs. The Act also requires schools to provide additional resources, equipment and / or additional support to meet their needs Equality Act 2010 Sets out the legal responsibilities of public bodies, including schools, to provide equality of opportunity for all citizens. This brings together nine equality laws.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Enterprise Network - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 14 Words: 4291 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Statistics Essay Did you like this example? INTRODUCTION My name is Zaw min Tun and I am a student of International Advance Diploma in Computer Study (IADCS) of NCC and attending at KMD Computer Centre which is situated in Yangon, Myanmar. In the first term of IADCS, I have to study Advanced JAVA, System analysis and Design and Enterprise Network. All of the subjects have assignments. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Enterprise Network" essay for you Create order Advanced JAVA is local subject where other two subjects, System Analysis and Design and Enterprise Network are global subjects. This System Analysis and Design assignment is about the DVD store system which aims to change from manual system to computerize system. In Task 1, I have to draw DFD and write Aims and Objectives of the system. In Task 2, I have to draw ERD with the description of entities, attributes and relationships. In Task 3, I have to draw ELH for the DVD. In Task 4, I have to draw Forms and normalize each processes and make a data dictionary. In task 5, I have to draw Draft screen Design and Prototype for Searching, Loan and Member Registration together with Validation rules. In Task 6, I have to write Assumption, Review, Site preparation and Hardware requirements. (a) Context Diagram (b) Aims and Objectives This system, have many processes including purchase, loan, reserve, search, sale and report. All the records of the whole processes are manual system (i.e. Records are on paper or in book) According to the scenario, there will be two sale assistant, two workstations and a manger. Since the current system is manual system and records are stored on book, it becomes hard to find a record in the whole book. Also, DVD information can only be searched by public workstation. Since there are a lot of problems searching and many others, the store wants to make the system running like e-commerce solutions on the Internet. It has benefits like Enabling search DVD easily by category (e.g. Movie type) To keep many records including sales, members, supplier and many others To improve system performance To process system quickly To reduce human resources and paper wastes (c) Data flow diagrams Level 1 for DVD store system Process Description 1. Member Registration Process In order to loan DVDs from this store, the customers need to register and become a member since this store allows only members to loan. To register, the customer has to fill in the Registration form. After filling in the registration form, the form should be given to sale assistant together with the member registration fees. The sale assistant will give member card to the customer and the customer becomes a member of the DVD store. 2. Loan Process This process is the loan process where members will loan DVDs from store. Member search and when member got the wanted DVD, member has to enquire to the sale staff. The member card should be updated before the loan DVD is received. Available DVDs will be loaned to the customer where Unavailable DVDs can be reserved. 3. Return Process This process is Return DVD process where members will return the loaned DVD to the store. The member card together with the loan fee and loan DVD should be given to the sale assistant. 4. Sale Process This process is the sale process where the old DVDs that the manager doesnt want to be in store anymore are sold at discount price to the customers. 5. Order Process In this process, the manager of the store orders DVDs from the supplier. Dataflow Description Member Registration Process 1. Enquire for new member information Customer Enquire about how to registration to the sale assistant 2. Information Sale Assistant gives information to the customer 3. Request Member Form Customer requests member form from the Sale Assistant 4. Membership Form The Sale assistant gives membership form to the customer 5. Complete Form The customer returns the form which is completely filled in to the sale assistant. 6. Invoice The Sale assistant gives invoice of member registration fee to the customer 7. Member Registration Fee The Customer gives membership fees to the Sale assistant 8. Member Card The Sale Assistant gives member card to the customer and the customer becomes a member. 9. Confirm that member card is received Member Confirms that the member card is received. Loan Process 1. Search DVD by category or by name Member search for DVD by name 2. Enquire the wanted DVD Member enquires the wanted DVD to the sale assistant. 3. Inform whether DVD is available or not Sale Assistant informs the member whether DVD the member requested is available or not 4. If unavailable, reserve DVD Unavailable DVDs requested by the member can be reserved 5. If available, request DVD + Member Card Available DVD can be requested by giving member card to the sale assistant. 6. Request will be canceled if the member has already loaned 5 DVDs The request by the member will be rejected if member has already loaned 5 DVDs 7. Requested DVD and updated member card Sale Assistant gives reqested DVD and updated member card to the member. Return Process 1. Loaned DVD + Member Card Member returns DVD to the sale assistant. Afterwards member card should be given. 2. Check Member card Sale Assistant checks the member card 3. Invoice Sale Assistant gives invoice which is calculated for the loan dvd to the member 4. Payment Member gives payment to the Sale Assistant 5. Late fee is paid if the DVD return date is 24hr later than due date Late fee is given as extra to the payment if the payment is later than due date for 24 hours. Sale Process 1. Ask the list of selling DVD The customer asks the manager the list of selling DVDs 2. Information The manager sends information about the selling DVD list. 3. Buying DVD list The customer gives a list of DVDs to be bought to the manager 4, Discounted DVD + invoice The manager gives DVDs that are already discounted and invoice to the customer 5. Payment The customer makes payment for the buying DVDs to the manager. 6. Confirm Payment The manager confirms that payment has made to the customer Order Process 1. Enquire DVDs The manager enquires DVDs to the supplier. 2. Available DVD and unavailable DVD list + Information of available DVDs The supplier gives the list of available DVDs and Unavailable DVDs 3. Reserve unavailable DVDs The customer can reserve unavailable DVDs to the supplier 4. Order available DVDs The supplier orders available DVDs to the supplier 5. Ordered DVDs + Invoice Supplier gives ordered DVD and invoice 6. Payment The manager makes payment to the supplier 7. Confirm that payment is made The supplier confirms that payment has been made Data Store Contents Member The Sale Assistant has to add member details and update when new members come to register DVD The file where the details of DVDs are stored. Sale assistant have to read this DVD file when the members come to request DVDs. Loan File Whenever a DVD was loaned by the member, new data is added to this file. When Member return DVDs, this file is read and the some information is deleted. Return DVD All the returned DVD information is stored in this file Reserve The DVD reservations made by the members are stored in this file Catalogue All the new DVDs which are added stores in this file. When DVDs are sold out, this file needs to be updated Supplier All the supplier information that are registered are stored in this file. Sale Sale made by the manager are stored in this file Sale Detail All the detail of sale made by the manager are stored in this file External Entity Definitions Customer * Register * Buy DVDs Member * Loan * Return * Make Payment * Reserve Supplier Accept order Send Requested DVDs and invoice Receive Payment (a) EINTITY RELATIONSHIP DIAGRAM (b) ENTITY DESCRIPTIONS No Entity Name Description 1 Customer To store the customer information. When the customer buy DVDs, the detail about buying is stored in this file 2 Sale To store the sale information. The information of Sale (like Sale Date, Sale ID) are stored. 3 Sale Detail To store the detail information about the sale. The detail information consists of Price, Quantity and etc 4 DVD To store the information about the DVD. This file is updated when new DVDs bought from supplier are added or the sale is made. 5 Order Detail To store the detail information about order. The detail information consists of Price, Quantity and etc 6 Order To store the order information. The information of Order (like Order date, Order ID) is stored. 7 Supplier To store the supplier information. Store the information when the system make the order with the new supplier 8 Loan Detail To store the detail information about the Loan. The detail information consists of Price, Quantity, Loan Date and etc 9 Loan To store the loan information. The information of Loan (like Loan date, Loan ID) is stored. 10 Member To store the member information. Store the information when the customer registers or the member loan DVDs or Return DVDs. 11 Reservation To store the reserve DVD information when the requested DVD by member is unavailable 12 Reservation Detail To store the detail information about the reserve DVD (c) ATTRIBUTES Customer Attribute Data Type Size Comment Customer ID Number 8 Primary Key Customer Name Text 12 Address Text 20 Telephone Text 12 Sale Attribute Data Type Size Comment Sale ID Number 7 Primary Key Sale Date Date and Time Sale Detail Attribute Data Type Size Comment Sale ID Number 7 Primary Key DVD ID Number 7 Foreign Key Quantity Number 7 Price Number 7 DVD Name Text 15 DVD Attribute Data Type Size Comments DVD ID Number 7 Primary Key DVD Name Text 20 Price Text 10 Quantity Number 10 Order Detail Attribute Data Type Size Comment Order ID Number 7 Primary Key DVD ID Number 7 Foreign Key DVD Name Text 20 Quantity Number 5 Price Number 10 Order Attribute Data Type Size Comment Order ID Number 7 Primary Key Order Date Date and Time 15 Supplier Attribute Data Type Size Comment Supplier ID Number 7 Primary Key Supplier Name Text 10 Address Text 20 Phone Text 15 Loan Detail Attribute Data Type Size Comment Loan ID Number 7 Primary Key Loan Date Date Time 10 Member ID Text 10 Foreign Key Qty Text 5 Overdue Fee Text 8 Return Date Date and Time Loan Attribute Data Type Size Comment Loan ID Number 7 Primary Key Loan Date Date Time 10 Member ID Text 10 Foreign Key Member Attribute Data Type Size Comment Member ID Number 7 Primary Key Name Text 15 Address Text 20 Phone Number 10 Email Text 15 Reservation Attribute Data Type Size Comment Reservation ID Number 10 Primary Key Reservation Date Text 10 Member ID Number 10 Foreign Key Reservation Detail Attribute Data Type Size Comment Reservation ID Text 10 Primary key DVD ID Number 7 Foreign Key DVD Name Text 20 (d) OPTIONALITY AND DEGREE OF RELATIONSHIP Entity Customer and Sale Degree of Relationship One to many Optional Customer may have one or more Sale. One Sale must have one Customer. Entity Sale and Sale Detail Degree of Relationship One to many Optional Sale may have one or more Sale Detail. One Sale Detail must have one Sale. Entity DVD and Sale Detail Degree of Relationship One to many Optional DVD may have one or more Sale Detail. One Sale Detail must have one DVD. Entity DVD and Order Detail Degree of Relationship One to many Optional DVD may have one or more Order Detail. One Order Detail must have one DVD. Entity Order Detail and Discount Order Degree of Relationship One to many Optional Order Detail may have one or more Order. One Order must have one Order Detail. Entity Supplier and Order Degree of Relationship One to many Optional Supplier may have one or more Order. One Order must have one Supplier. Entity DVD and Loan Detail Degree of Relationship One to many Optional DVD may have one or more Loan Detail. One Loan Detail must have one DVD. Entity Loan and Loan Detail Degree of Relationship One to many Optional Loan may have one or more Loan Detail. One Loan Detail must have one Loan. Entity Member and Loan Degree of Relationship One to many Optional Member may have one or more Loan. One Loan must have one Member. Entity DVD and Reservation Detail Degree of Relationship One to many Optional DVD may have one or more Reservation Detail. One Reservation Detail must have one DVD. Entity Reservation and Reservation Detail Degree of Relationship One to many Optional Reservation may have one or more Reservation Detail. One Reservation Detail must have one Reservation. Entity Member and Reservation Degree of Relationship One to many Optional Member may have one or more Reservation. One Reservation must have one Member. (a) ENTITY LIFE HISTORY a) Normalization Member Registration Form Member Registration Form Member ID _______________ Join Date _______________ Member Name _______________ Address _______________ Phone _______________ Email _______________ Sex _______________ Member Sign Staff Name _______________ _______________ Staff Sign _______________ Supplier Registration Form Supplier Registration Form Supplier ID _______________ Registration Date _______________ Supplier Name _______________ Address _______________ Phone _______________ Email _______________ Sex _______________ Supplier Sign Staff Name _______________ _______________ Staff Sign _______________ DVD Entry Form DVD Entry Form DVD ID _______________ Entry Date _______________ DVD Name _______________ Category _______________ Director _______________ Cost per day ______________ Overdue fees per day _______________ Order Form Order Form Order Date _______________ Order ID _______________ Supplier ID _______________ Supplier Name _______________ No DVD ID DVD Name Quantity Price Sub Amount Total Amount Page- 2 1. Gather Data Order Date Order ID Supplier ID Supplier Name DVD ID DVD Name Quantity Price Sub Amount Total Amount 2. Choose a Key Order ID 3. First Normal Form (1NF) Order Date Supplier ID Supplier Name Order ID Total Amount 4. Second Normal Form (2NF) DVD ID DVD Name Order ID DVD ID Quantity Sub Amount 5. Third Normal Form (3NF) Order ID Order Date Supplier ID Order ID Supplier Name DVD ID DVD Name Order ID DVD ID Quantity 6. Optimization [Order] Order ID Order Date Supplier ID [Supplier] Supplier ID Supplier Name [DVD] DVD ID DVD Name [Order Detail] Order ID DVD ID Quantity 7. Data Model Page- 2 Loan Form Loan ID _______________ Loan Date _______________ Member ID _______________ Member Name _______________ No DVD ID DVD Name Quantity Due Date Price Sub Amount Total Amount Staff Name _____________ Staff Sign _____________ Page- 2 1. Gather Data Loan ID Member ID Member Name Loan Date DVD ID DVD Name Quantity Due Date Price Sub Amount Total Amount 2. Choose a key DVD ID 3. First Normal Form (1NF) Loan ID Staff Name Staff Sign Loan Date Member ID Member Name Loan ID DVD ID DVD Name Quantity Due Date Price Sub Amount Total Amount 4. Second Normal Form (2NF) Loan ID Staff Name Staff Sign Loan Date Member ID Member Name 5. Third Normal Form (3NF) DVD ID DVD Name Loan ID Quantity Due Date Price Sub Amount Total Amount Loan ID Staff Name Staff Sign Loan Date Member ID Member Name 6. Optimization [DVD] DVD ID DVD Name [Loan] Loan ID Staff Name Staff Sign Loan Date [Loan Detail] Loan ID Quantity Due Date Price Sub Amount Total Amount [Member] Member ID Member Name 7. Data Model Page- 2 Page- 2 Return Form Return Form Return Form No _______________ Return Date ________________ Member ID _______________ Member Name _______________ Member Phone _______________ Member Address _______________ DVD ID DVD Name Loan No Loan Date Amount OverDue fees Sub Amount Total Amount Staff ID _______________ Staff Name _______________ Staff Sign _______________ Page- 2 1. Gather Data Purchase Date Return Form No Return Date Member ID Member Name Member Phone Member Address DVD ID DVD Name Loan No Loan Date Amount OverDue Fees Sub Amount Total Amount Staff Name Staff Sign 2. Choose a key Return Form No 3. First Normal Form (1NF) Return Form No Member ID Member Name Member Phone Member Address Return Date Total Amount Staff Name Staff Sign Return Form No DVD ID DVD Name Loan No Loan Date Amount OverDue Fees Sub Amount 4. Second Normal Form (2NF) DVD ID DVD Name Overdue Fee Amount Sub Amount Return Form No DVD ID Loan No Loan Date 5. Third Normal Form (3NF) Return Form No Return Date Staff Name Staff Sign Member ID Member Name Member Phone Member Address DVDID DVD Name Overdue Fee Amount Sub Amount Return Form No DVD ID 6. Optimization [Return] Return Date Staff Name Staff Sign [Member] Member Name Member Phone Member Address [DVD] DVD Name Overdue Fee [Return Detail] DVD ID Loan No Loan Date 7. Data Model Page- 2 Selling Form Selling Form Voucher No _____________ Date _____________ Customer Name _____________ No DVD ID DVD Name Quantity Price Amount Total Amount Receptionist Name ________________ Receptionist Sign ________________ Page- 2 1. Data Gathering Voucher No Customer Name Date DVD ID DVD Name Quantity Price Amount Total Amount Receptionist Name Receptionist Sign 2. Choose a key Voucher No 3. First Normal Form (1NF) Voucher No Customer Name Date Receptionist Name Receptionist Sign Total Amount Voucher No DVD ID DVD Name Quantity Price Amount 4. Second Normal Form (2NF) Voucher No DVD ID Quantity Amount DVD ID DVD Name Price 5. Third Normal Form (3NF) Voucher No Customer Name Date Receptionist Name Receptionist Sign Total Amount Voucher No DVD ID Quantity Amount DVD ID DVD Name Price 6. Optimization [Voucher] Customer Name Date Receptionist Name Receptionist Sign [DVD] DVD Name Price [Voucher Detail] DVD ID Quantity 7. Data Model Page- 2 Reservation Form Reservation Form Reservation ID _____________ Date _____________ Member ID _____________ Member Name _____________ Member Address _____________ Member Phone _____________ DVD ID DVD Name Quantity 1. Gathering Data Reservation ID Member ID Member Name Member Address Member Phone Date DVD ID DVD Name Quantity 2.Choose a key Reservation ID 3 First Normal Form (1NF) Reservation ID Member ID Member Name Member Address Member Phone Reservation ID DVD ID DVD Title Number of DVD 4 Second Normal Form (2NF) Reservation ID DVD ID DVD Title Number of DVD 5 Third Normal Form (3NF) Reservation ID Member ID Member Name Member Address Member Phone Reservation ID DVD ID Quantity DVD ID DVD Title 6. Optimization [Reservation] Reservation ID [Member] Member ID Member Name Member Address Member Phone [Reservation Detail] Reservation ID DVD ID Quantity [DVD] DVD ID DVD Title 7. Data Model System Analysis Design KMD Computer Center b) Data Dictionary Draft Screen 1. Combo Box, To choose Category, DVD ID, DVD Name, Director for DVD searching 2. Text Box, To type for Keyword 3. Button, To start searching DVD 4. Button, To clear information of Text Boxes, Menu Boxes and Contents of Data Grid View 5. Button, To close Search DVD form 6. Data Grid View, To show the list of searched DVD information 1. Text Field, To display loan ID automatically 2. Combo box, to type the member ID or can choose member ID 3. Text Field, To display Member Name automatically after choosing or typing Member ID 4. Text Box, To type DVD ID 5. Date time picker, to select the loan date of rent DVDs 6. Date time picker, to select the expire date of rent DVDs 7. Text Box, To type Quantity of rent DVD(s) 8. Button, To add Details of rent DVD to Data Grid View 9. Data Grid View, To show the Details of Added DVD 10. Button, To remove the selected information of Data Grid View 11. Button, To remove all the information of Data Grid View 12. Button, To save the Rent information 13. Button, To close Loan Form 1. Text Field, To display Member ID automatically 2. Text Box, To type Member Name 3. Date time picker, to select the Registration Date of Member 4. Text Box, To type NRC number of Member 5. Text Box, To type Address of Member 6. Text Box, To type Phone Number of Member 7. Text box, To type Email of Member 8. Button, To save the filled Information 9. Button, To clear information of Text Boxes and Date time picker 10. Button, To exit New Customer Registration Form (b) PROTOTYPE (c) VALIDATION RULES Search DVD form In the Menu Box of Search By, there are DVD ID, DVD Name, Director and Category. If any of them are not chosen and the Search Button is pressed, the Error Message Box will appear. In Keyword text box, the related data according to the search by menu box should be entered. If the member doesnt type this text box, and Search Button is pressed, the error message box will appear. After pressing Clear button, all the typed words in keyword box will be deleted and the Details in Data Grid View will be deleted and the Message box will appear. Loan form If the Member ID box is not typed or chosen and Save button is pressed, the error message will appear. The name of member in Member Name box should be appeared automically after choosing or typing Member ID. If DVD ID box is not typed and Add button is pressed, the error message box will appear. Loan ID and Loan Date should be appeared automatically. Loan Date should be in DD/MM/YYYY format. If Expire Date is not typed and Add button is pressed, the Error message box will appear. If Quantity Box is not typed and Add button is pressed, the Error message box will appear. If Remove All button is pressed, the Details in Data Grid View will be removed and a message box will be shown. Save button will only available to press if Member ID Box is typed and there should be a detail about the loan DVD in Data Grid View. New Customer Registration Form Member ID in Member ID box will appear automatically and the user does not need to type. In Registration Date date picker box, the customer must choose the registration date. If Member Name in Member Name box is not typed and Register button is pressed, the Error message box will appear. If NRC Number in NRC Number box is not typed and Register button is pressed, the error message box will appear. If Member Address in Address box is not typed and Register button is pressed, the error message box will appear. If Member Phone Number in Phone Number box is not typed and Register button is pressed, the error message box will appear. If Member email in Email box is not typed and Register button is pressed, the error message box will appear. All the Member Name box, NRC Number Box, Address box, Phone Number box, Email box should be typed and Registration Date date picker box should be typed before pressing Register Button. (a) ASSUMPTIONS Due to Assignment, the DVD store is changing its manual system to computerize system. The DVD store has two sale assistant and manager. The Sale Assistant registers customers, make loans, accept returns and selling where manager orders DVDs from suppliers, manage DVD category and many others. We have to do analysis for this DVD store system. Here are the Tasks I have to do in this assignment. -In task (1), I have to draw Data Flow Diagram which allows me to estimate the scope of the whole system. -In task (2), I have to draw Entity Relationship Diagram which allows me to know the relationships between the entities. -In task (3), I have to draw Entity Life History which allows me to know the process of DVD. -In task (4), I have to normalize the processes and data dictionary which allows me to know the tables for the data base and the contents of data base. -In task (5), I draw draft screen designs and prototype to show the users how the interface will be done and write validation rules for each form. (b) REVIEW OF TASK 1 to 5 Task (1) In the task (1), I have to draw the context diagram and low level of DFDs for DVD loan system. And I have to write the aims and objectives of the DVD loan system. Task (2) In the task (2), I have to draw the entity relationship diagram for the DVD loan system. I have to write the entity description, attributes description and optionality and degree of relationships between entities. Task (3) In the task (3), I have to draw entity life history for a DVD. Task (4) In the task (4), I have to draw the form designs and normalize each form. And I have to write a data dictionary for all items included in the database design. Task (5) In the task (5), I have to draw the draft screen designs and prototypes for searching DVD, loaning DVD and registration a new customer. And then I have to write the validation rules of each form. (c) ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES Advantages User friendly interface Reduce time consuming Faster finding fact Ability to save records Can calculate cost easily Reliability Disadvantages Expensive System broke down can occur The user will have difficulties at first time handling the software (d) SITE PREPARATION FOR THE INSTALLATION OF THE SYSTEM -Power Supply Ensure that there are enough electrical outlets and that the capacity of the circuit is sufficient for the expected load. UPS and isolators should be used. -Heat dissipation All electrically powered equipment generates heat. So, both the carefully positioning of machines and the potential need for air conditioned needs to be considered to ensure that excessive heat is properly dealt with. -Office alternations Certain items of equipment can take up large amount of space or require special cabling. Thus, office premises may require modifications in order to accommodate them. Any alternations need to be completed well before the installation of equipment which may be damaged by dust or dampness -Office Layout With the introduction of a computer based system any existing manual routine are bound to change. As a result, it may be necessary to change the office layout to facilitate the new computerized procedure. Office Furniture The introduction of new computer equipment may require the provision of new furniture. It is particularly important to ensure that any agronomic requirements of user are properly met. (e) HARDWARE No Description Unit Price Quantity Total Price 1. P4 Casing ( Normal Light ) 50000 1 50000 2. Keyboard 5000 1 5000 3. Mouse 7500 1 7500 4. 18.5 LCD Color Monitor (Samsung) 135000 1 135000 5. CPU: Intel P4 Dual Core 2.6 GHz 67000 1 67000 6. 512 MB DDR RAM ( PC 400 MHz ) 26000 1 26000 7. 250 GB HDD ( Seagate ) SATA 49000 1 49000 8. UPS 600 VA ( Power tree ) Classic 60000 1 60000 9. G31MV-K micro-ATX Motherboard 56900 1 56900 10. Speaker 180 Watts 5700 1 5700 11 Canon LaserJet 3050 111000 1 111000 12. 22x DVD-Writer (Samsung) SATA 29000 1 29000 Total Cost with Kyat 602100 References Title System Analysis and Design URL Lecture Book