Monday, September 30, 2019

Hypothesis Testing Is Undertaken Health And Social Care Essay

This chapter describes the methodological analysis used in the current survey that examines the relationship between emotional intelligence ( EI ) and burnout among nurses working in private infirmaries in Malaysia. Specifically, this chapter inside informations the research design selected by the research worker, population and sampling, trying processs, and informations aggregation method.3.2 Research DesignResearch design is a maestro program that specifies the methods and processs for roll uping and analysing informations needed for work outing a job ( Zikmund, 2003 ) . Harmonizing to Cooper and Schindler ( 2008 ) , research design is the design for aggregation, measuring, and analysis of informations. Sekaran and Bougie ( 2011 ) stated, â€Å" the research design involves a series of rational decision-making picks associating to the intent of the survey, the type of probe, the extent of research worker intervention, the survey scene, the unit of analysis, the clip skyline, the type of sample to be used every bit good as the measuring, informations aggregation methods, trying design, and informations analysis † . This survey used hypothetico-deductive method or a quantitative attack, whereby harmonizing to Creswell ( 2005 ) , a hypothetico-deductive method is â€Å" a type of educational research in which the research decides what to analyze, asks specific, narrows inquiries, collects numeral ( numbered ) informations from participants, analyzes these Numberss utilizing statistics, and conducts the enquiry in an indifferent and nonsubjective mode † . In short, hypothetico-deductive method is an enquiry into an identified job, based on proving a theory, measured with Numberss and analyzed utilizing statistical techniques. Therefore, the end of hypothetico-deductive method is to find whether the prognostic generalisations of a theory clasp true. This method besides provides a quick, cheap, efficient, and accurate agencies of measuring information about those who are involved in the survey ( Zikmund, 2003 ) . The intent of this survey was hypothesis testing. Based on the account given by Sekaran and Bougie ( 2011 ) , a hypothesis testing is undertaken to explicate the discrepancy in the dependant variable or to foretell organisational results. In this sense, the research worker wanted to cognize the nature of the relationship that may be established between EI and burnout by proving the hypothesis developed. Since the purpose of this survey is to set up a mensurable relationship between EI and burnout, thereby hypothetico-deductive attack is said to be more suited. This method is appropriate to analyze the relationship between variables and to find how much one variable contributes to the anticipation of another ( Creswell, 2005 ; Leedy & A ; Omrod, 2005 ) . Specifically, a hypothetico-deductive study method utilizing a descriptive correlativity design is used to prove the dealingss between all the variables of the survey. The correlativity research design is used when the relationships b etween variables are non considered causal, and where the relationship between two or more variables is determined ( Salkind, 2003 ) . In add-on, hypotheses are developed and tested to depict and explicate the nature of relationship between EI and burnout among the nurses working in private infirmaries. Sekaran and Bougie ( 2011 ) pointed out that the extent of intervention by the research worker with the normal of work in the workplace has a direct bearing on whether the survey undertaken is causal or correlativity. Since the correlational research was used, the survey was conducted in the natural environment of the organisation with minimum intervention by the research worker with the normal flow or work in noncontrieved scenes. In other words, informations were collected from the nurses involved in their workplace. Researcher did non alter any of the scene of their workplace whereby their day-to-day modus operandi occupations were minimally interfered when research was done. Apart from that, the informations were gathered merely one time. Hence, it was a cross-sectional survey. Figure 3.1 below shows the research design for the relevant survey. *diagram3.3 Population and SamplingThe population of research is â€Å" a group of possible participants to whom you want to generalise the consequences of the survey † ( Salkind, 2003 ) . Since there are no limited resources such as clip, cost, and human resources, it is non practical and about impossible to study the whole population. On the other manus, trying enables a research worker to garner information rapidly and besides reduces the cost and work force demands for informations aggregation. Sampling besides enables the research worker to do generalisation sing the whole population or parts of the whole population based on a little figure of elements ( Zikmund, 2003 ) . This subdivision discusses the sampling process, including population, unit of analysis, trying frame, trying design, and sample size.3.3.1 Population, Sampling Frame and Unit of AnalysisThe population for the survey consists of the staff nurses employed at three private infirmaries in Klang Valley, Mala ysia. ***3.3.2 Sampling DesignThis research focused on the private infirmaries in Klang Valley. The logic behind choosing the private infirmaries in Klang Valley is that the big and good equipment infirmaries are located in this country and they serve a higher denseness of population. The highest population densenesss are found in Kuala Lumpur, followed by Penang and Putrajaya ( 6,891, 1,490, and 1,478 individuals per square kilometer severally ) for the twelvemonth of 2010 ( Department of Statistics, Malaysia, 2012 ) . **Since the larger private infirmaries are focused in Klang Valley, they have besides higher bed capacity which is assumed to straight interpret to the figure of nurses being hired by these infirmaries. A sum of three private infirmaries in Klang Valley were selected with most of them holding a bed capacity of more than **200. Therefore, it can be assumed that rather a bulk of private infirmary nurses are located in the infirmaries in Klang Valley. Additionally, the elements that constituted as the sample of the research needed to be selected from the population. The procedure of choosing equal figure of elements from a population is called the sampling design. The major types of trying design include chance and non-probability sampling. In chance sampling, every component in the population has some known opportunities of choice whereas in non-probability sampling, the elements ‘ opportunity of being selected as sample topics is unknown ( Zikmund, 2003 ) . High generalizability of the findings and non being confidently generalizable are two specific features of chance and non-probability sampling severally ( Sekaran & A ; Bougie, 2011 ) . This survey utilised chance trying design to choose the single private infirmary staff nurses. The nurses were selected utilizing simple random trying to enable wider generalizability of the findings.3.3.3 Sample SizeThe determination about sample size is non based on a definite reply bu t depends on a figure of considerations ( Bryman & A ; Bell, 2007 ) . The sample size depends on three factors: ( 1 ) the type of informations analysis ; ( 2 ) the coveted truth of the consequences ; and ( 3 ) the population features ( Neuman, 2003 ) . Harmonizing to Sekaran and Bougie ( 2011 ) , the sample size is governed by the extent of preciseness, assurance desired, variableness in population, cost and clip restraint, and the size of population. The sample size should be big plenty to enable research workers to foretell the population parametric quantities within acceptable bounds. In general, two constituents of a good sample are its adequateness and representativeness. Since an optimum sample size besides helps in minimising the entire cost of trying mistake, hence an appropriate sample size must be chosen. Sekaran and Bougie ( 2011 ) stated a tabular array suggested by Krejcie and Morgan ( 1970 ) has greatly simplified the sample size determination to guarantee a good determination theoretical account. Since the population of this survey consist of ****xxx**** private infirmary staff nurses as identified earlier, hence based on the tabular array provided by Krejcie and Morgan, the sample size needed was at least, n=xxxx staff nurses.3.4 Data Collection MethodThis subdivision explains the method used for garnering informations. In this survey, secondary information every bit good as primary informations were involved. Secondary informations referred to the diary articles, public records, text editions, or any other information that were available for readings. From these informations, related countries and a figure of informations aggregation methods were studied and the most applicable 1s were chosen. On the other manus, primary informations resulted from a combination of two different set of questionnaires were developed specifically for each of the countries: EI and burnout. These questionnaires were combined along with the selected demographics variables. This subdivision further describes some advantages of carry oning a study utilizing questionnaires. It besides elaborates on each questionnaire that is used to mensurate the forecaster and standard variable of the current survey.3.4.1 Personally Administered QuestionnairesSurvey research workers collect quantitative and numeral informations utilizing questionnaires ( Creswell, 2005 ) . A questionnaire is â€Å" a pre-formulated written set of inquiries to which respondents record their replies within closely defined options † ( Sekaran & A ; Bougie, 2011 ) . Basically, questionnaires enable efficient informations aggregation when the research worker knows precisely what information is needed and how to mensurate the variables of the survey ( Sekaran & A ; Bougie, 2011 ) . Specifically, this survey used personally administered questionnaire studies method for informations aggregation and the instrument of the survey was developed by incorporating the points applied by the old research workers. Harmonizing to Sekaran and Bougie ( 2011 ) , the chief advantages of personally administered questionnaires include: ( 1 ) can set up resonance and motivate respondent ; ( 2 ) uncertainties can be clarified on the topographic point ; ( 3 ) less expensive and consumers less clip than questioning when administered to groups of respondents ; ( 4 ) about 100 % response rate ensured and responses could be collected within a short period of clip ; and ( 5 ) namelessness of respondent is high. To plan a good questionnaire, Sekaran and Bougie ( 2011 ) stated that it is advisable to include some negatively worded inquiries alternatively of give voicing all inquiries positively. Thereby, the inclination in respondents to automatically circle the points towards one terminal of the graduated table is minimized. Nevertheless, in instance this does still go on, the research worker has an chance to observe such prejudice. Hence, both positively and negatively worded inquiries are included in the questionnaire for current research. Apart from that, double-barrelled, equivocal, recall-dependant, prima, and loaded inquiries, every bit good as societal desirableness responses have to be avoided ( Sekaran and Bougie, 2011 ) . The sequence of inquiries should be such that the respondent is led from inquiries of a general nature to those that are more specific, and from inquiries that are comparatively easy to reply to those that are increasingly more hard ( Sekaran and Bougie, 2011 ) . An full research rests on the measuring instruments, which must be dependable, valid, and appropriate for replying the research inquiry of the survey ( Leeky & A ; Ormrod, 2005 ) . The usage of bing instruments ensures the quality of a study inquiries ( Cone & A ; Foster, 1993 ) . Using bing instruments to build a measuring questionnaire adds proved cogency, dependability, truth, and effectivity from past usage ( Creswell, 2005 ) . Therefore, the research worker adapted self-report bing instruments to mensurate all the concepts of the present research. All the self-report steps are discussed in inside informations in the undermentioned subdivisions. Schutte Self-Report Emotional Intelligence Test ( SSEIT )This survey utilized the Schutte Self-Report Emotional Intelligence Test ( SSEIT ) ( Schutte et al. ; 1998 ) to measure the EI of the nurses working in the private infirmaries selected. SSEIT was chosen after consideration of several alternate steps of EI, including point EQ- i ( Bar-On, 1997 ) , the ECI ( Boyatzis, Goleman & A ; Rhee, 2000 ) , and the MSCEIT ( Mayer, Salovey, Caruso & A ; Sitarenios, 2003 ) . These steps were non used because they are proprietary and necessitate considerable clip to administrate. On the other manus, SSEIT provides research worker with the ability to hit the informations, does non imply cost for usage of the instrument, and is less time-consuming for the research participants. The SSEIT which besides referred as the Assessing Emotions Scale is a self-report step that measures EI as defined by Salovey and Mayer ( 1990 ) . Schutte et Al. ( 1998 ) conducted a series of surveies to develop the graduated table and to find its cogency and dependability. A factor analysis of more than 60 points suggested a one-factor solution of 33 points. This one-factor solution resulted in scale points stand foring each of the undermentioned three classs: ( 1 ) assessment and look of emotion in the ego and others ; ( 2 ) ordinance of emotion in the ego and others ; and ( 3 ) use of emotions in work outing jobs. However, the most widely used subscales derived from the 33-item SSEIT graduated table are based on factors identified by Petrides and Furnham ( 2000 ) , Ciarrochi, Chan, and Bajgar ( 2001 ) , and Saklofske, Austin, and Minski ( 2003 ) . These factor analytic surveies suggested a four-factor solution for the 33 points. The four factors are described as: ( 1 ) Percept of Emotion ( 10 points ) ; ( 2 ) Pull offing Own Emotions ( 9 points ) ; ( 3 ) Pull offing Others ‘ Emotions ( 8 points ) ; and ( 4 ) Use of Emotion ( 6 points ) ( Ciarrochi et al. , 2001 ) . The SSEIT graduated table has been used and validated in several surveies ( Petrides & A ; Furnham, 2000 ; Schutte, Malouff, Bobik, Coston, Greeson, Jedlicka, Rhodes & A ; Wendorf, 2001 ; Schutte, Malouff, Simunek, McKenley & A ; Hollander, 2002 ; Charbonneau & A ; Nocol, 2002 ) . In add-on, an internal consistence analysis with two different samples showed a Cronbach alpha of 0.90 and 0.87 ( Schutte et al. , 1998 ) . The sample points of this instrument include: â€Å" I find it difficult to understand the gestural messages of other people † for Perception of Emotion ( PE ) , â€Å" When I am faced with obstructions, I remember times I faced similar obstructions and get the better of them † for Pull offing Own Emotions ( ME ) , â€Å" I know when to talk about my personal jobs to others † for Pull offing Others ‘ Emotions ( MOE ) , and â€Å" Some of the major events of my life have led me to re-evaluate what is of import and non of import † for Utilization of Emotion ( UE ) . The SSEIT was rated on a 5-point Likert graduated table as in the original instrument with responses runing from 1 ( strongly disagree ) to 5 ( strongly agree ) . Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Service Survey ( MBI-HSS )Maslach ‘s Burnout Inventory ( MBI ) is normally used as a research tool in the current literature to mensurate the degree of burnout ( Lee, Ashforth & A ; Bla ke, 1990 ; Kanste, Miettunen & A ; Kyngas, 2006 ; Wu, Zhu, Wang, Wang & A ; Lan, 2007 ) . This survey measured nurse burnout utilizing the 22-item Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Service Survey, 3rd edition ( MBI-HSS ) ( Maslach et al. , 1996 ) . MBI-HSS steps burnout among employees in human services establishments and wellness attention businesss such as nursing, societal work, psychological science, and ministry in footings of: ( 1 ) Emotional Exhaustion ( 9 points ) ; ( 2 ) Depersonalization ( 5 points ) ; and ( 3 ) Personal Accomplishment ( 8 points ) . The MBI-HSS has sound psychometric belongingss to guarantee dependability and cogency. MBI has demonstrated to hold concept cogency through the analysis of informations from a innovator instrument of 47 points administered to human service forces ( Maslach & A ; Jackson, 1981a ) . Convergent cogency surveies indicate the MBI-HSS graduated tables measure the same concept as other burnout instruments. Correlations of emotional exh austion and depersonalisation with other burnout self-report indexs are high ( rs & gt ; .50 ) , where as correlativities with personal achievement are slightly lower ( rs & gt ; .30 ) ( Schaufeli & A ; Enzmann, 1998 ) . Maslach et Al. ( 1996 ) reported internal consistence of MBI with dependability coefficients as follows: I ± = .90 for emotional exhaustion ( EE ) , I ± = .79 for depersonalisation ( DP ) , and I ± = .71 for decreased personal achievement ( PA ) . Furthermore, the test-retest dependability ranged from moderate to high. The test-retest dependability coefficients were as follows: EE ( .82 ) , DP ( .62 ) , and PA ( .80 ) . Sample points from Emotional Exhaustion ( EE ) subscale include: â€Å" I feel emotionally drained from my work. † Sample points from Depersonalization ( DP ) subscale include: â€Å" I feel I treat some patients as if they were impersonal objects. † Sample points from Personal Accomplishment ( PA ) subscale include: â€Å" I can easy understand how my patients feel about things. † Basically, nurse burnout was measured based on statements that concern feelings or attitudes about one ‘s work and how frequently those feelings occur. The frequence with which the nurses experience each point was measured on a 5-point Likert Scale anchored by Never ( 1 ) and Everyday ( 5 ) . Demographic DataIt is a affair of pick for the research worker whether inquiries seeking personal information of respondents should look at the beginning or at the terminal of the questionnaire ( Sekaran & A ; Bougie, 2011 ) . Harmonizing to Oppenheim ( 1986 ) , some research workers ask for personal informations at the terminal instead than the beginning of the questionnaire. Their logical thinking may be that by the clip the respondent reaches the terminal of the questionnaire, he or she has been convinced of the legitimacy and genuineness of the inquiries framed by the research worker and, therefore, is more inclined and conformable to portion personal information ( Sekaran & A ; Bougie, 2011 ) . On the other manus, research workers who prefer to arouse most of the personal information at the really beginning may speak up that one time respondents have shared some of their personal history, they may hold psychologically identified themselves with the questionnaire, and may experience a committedness to react ( Sekaran & A ; Bougie, 2011 ) . Both these methods of seeking personal information have their pros and cons. For current survey, demographic information of the respondents were requested on the last subdivision of the questionnaire. This portion includes demographic information such as age, gender, cultural group, matrimonial position, old ages of work experience, making, nursing class, and section. The respondents were required to click the appropriate replies. The study questionnaire can be found in Appendix A. The two chief instruments selected for this survey have shown concept cogency and dependability based on old surveies but they have non been tested in the Malayan context. Therefore, the dependabilities of all the instruments and content cogency were tested during the pre-test. The sum-up of the questionnaire with the dislocation of subdivisions and the description of each of the survey instruments is shown in Table 3.1.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Importance of Fashion

Fashion Is Important Fashion is a concept that has been around since the beginning of ages. The Neanderthals of the Stone Age used sewn animal skins to get protection from the harsh environmental factors. This simple body covering that people used then went on developing throughout time to suit the different climates and cultures of the world. However today fashion is seen as a form of adornment and moreover a way of life, especially for the young generation. Fashion is the first thing that happens each morning; we wake up put on a clean presentable outfit in which we would feel good o face the day.The term â€Å"bad hair days† are very real in today's world; people's days are ruined if they have bad hair or a bad outfit. This makes fashion an important factor in creating a successful day. The outward appearance is very often an essential factoring building confidence. For many, especially those of them in the business world don't feel good enough to face interviews, meetings and conferences if they are not satisfied with their appearance. Others, that is, teenagers who are the biggest fans of fashion consider fashion a cult and would always be updated about he latest trends and sport them around town.This way fashion has become a prominent affair in our lives. Different fashion conceitedness out a lot about the culture, environment, values, traditions and roots of a group of people and where they come from. In a few coo tries and governmental systems, they require people to dress in a particular way due to many reasons be it religion, culture, values etc. The I-JAKE itself can be cited as an example of such a country; though strictly not observed, we do see certain signboards at malls and other public areas requesting decent looting.Such is the scenario in most middle eastern countries. The most recent vogue is ethnic inspired modern wear. This is bring Eng up the early clothing styles of countries mixed with modern outfits to create a fusion of ages an d cultures. Another important aspect of fashion is that allows us to recognize nationalities through their dressed. A man in Candors will easily be recognized as an Arab, while an elegant silk Scare will speak Hindi and the elegant folds off Kimono displays Japan. This tells us that the way a person dresses speaks a lot.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Business Plan For A Business Organization

A well written business plan is recommended to begin any new business or new venture creation. The purpose of a business plan is to describe the business in detail for a variety of purposes. The plan can give direction and add vision to the company, such as growth and arket changes. A good business plan can attract new investors and potential partners or employees. It can also help manage the company as a whole. â€Å"A business plan conveys the organizational structure of your business, including titles†¦ A business plan is a written document or a statement that states the goals of the companies and the progress of how the goals are going to be accomplished. Plan of activities includes the why, what and when questions to come up with a solid plan that will turn into a business (Salman, 2008). Plan of activities serves the following purpose: (1) it acts a directive, plan of activities helps in identifying how far you want to take the business and you achievement at the end, (2) business plan gives†¦ Business and Organisation Structures TASK 1 There are different types of businesses. Some of them are Sole Traders, Partnership businesses and Limited companies. Sole Traders are the types of organization which is run by a sole owner. There is one person in charge. The sole trader takes the decision of expanding the business, how to operate and what kind of service to provide. The benefits of sole traders is that the owner gets all the profit and have total control on how to run the business.†¦ create a business, it’s time to sit down and make some plans. You should NEVER dive right into the market, as it is a sure-fire way to fail. Plans are essential to your success in the market you’re looking to break into. So, with that in mind, you might be thinking just what plans should you make. What Plans You Need To Make To Ensure Your Business Is A Total Success 1.Do market research 2.Choose a name for your business 3.Pick a legal structure for the business 4.Develop a business plan Every one†¦ In order for a business to be successful, that business has to have a clearly defined business model and plan. Regardless of the type of business, the purpose of a business model is to provide a clear level of insight of an organization’s goals, mission, and strategy and framework of how the business will function to accomplish those goals. As a member-driven trade association, our focus is dedicated to communicating the value of community pharmacies as the face of neighborhood healthcare. This†¦ Business plan: Business plan is just like a written document of business future. This document generally projects business goals, issues may face your business and plans to solve them and outlines the route a company intends to take to grow revenues (Berry, n.d.). Generally a business plan will include components such as descriptions of the company, product or service, market, forecasts, management team, and financial analysis and containing a projected profit and loss statement (MCKEEVER†¦ Entrepreneurs looking to start-up a business need innovative ideas that translate into opportunity. Perpetuated by a vision of a product or service, entrepreneurs look to revolutionize an industry by satisfying unmet consumer demands in the market. Having an innovative product is what powers a business idea forward. Through careful market research and industry analysis, a solid and well-designed business plan is needed to define what your product is and how it will be profitable. The key to generating†¦ have a business plan, no matter how small or how big. Running a business is very hard and requires a lot of details and having ideas, sort of a rough draft. A business plan serves as a road map and attracts capital through loans and investments. You will never know if your business will succeed or not but having a vision of what your business is going to be gives a good chance. The first step in a business plan is being able to write a business description for your business plan. Your business description†¦ a new business requires a lot of planning, making vital financial decisions and conducting a number of legal activities. The demand of a person time may be much greater than anticipated. With careful planning, an individual would be able to work through some of those challenges they will be faced with. In starting a business, there are numerous steps/stages one must go through. Some of those steps includes (1) Business plan, (2) Choosing a business location, (3) Financing your business (4) Registering†¦ you have a marketing and business plan. I believe no business can or will succeed without a Mission, Objective, Budget, and Marketing Plan. I have witness several businesses from a variety of people fail or not succeed because they fail to develop a Marketing and Business Plan. Without the proper preparation for any business or any product they will face higher chances of lacking its full potential. In addition, there are so many other contributing factors to a business not being successful which†¦

Friday, September 27, 2019

Role of political system in promoting economic growth, the Case of Essay

Role of political system in promoting economic growth, the Case of China - Essay Example Lack of political will to perform increasing significant economic restructuring has resulted to prolonged dependence on public investment. State regulation and various enterprises ownership has hindered productivity and sector of finance is majorly the critical control of the state via manipulation of credit and subsidies, (Midlarsky, 1997, p.90). Chinese experience The Chinese experience in the last 30 years or more is increasingly illusive. Deng Peng reforms in the earlier years were strictly restricted to entirely certain economic initiative freedom when certain private ownership, such as sector of agriculture, was realized and economy of the market was introduced, (Simha, 1999, p.87). Moreover, in some aspects, the government of China has maintained its authoritarian policy and critical restrictions to politics, culture, social, and religious liberty. It is clear that increase in the Chinese economy in the past has been significant. Ten to twelve percent growth per year liberated some 3-4 hundred million Chinese populations from devastating poverty. It is true that democracy, in the Chinese case, was not a requirement for the growth in the economy. In this regard, experts agree that China does not fit in a democratic nation category, although it is a rapidly developing and nation of the globe and in second phase of industrial revolution, (Lijphart, 1999, p.56). Thus, the claim that democracy is the key reason for growth in economy does not hold more water, because a combination of factors rather than the Chinese political state that fueled economic growth of China. Therefore, people can believe that China is planned economic nation although, in the real sense, though limited, regional powers have inadequate democracy. China is a prominent global...This essay presents a comprehensive analysis of the economic development of Chinese economy in recent decades. It is shown in the paper, that China achieved high levels of economic growth without being considered a democratic nation by economists, China is a prominent global exporter that would show the prosperity of China because it indicate to its revolution of industry, and this is because China has various cheap labor pools, extensive land scopes that can full accommodate manufacturing. Similarly, China has, in large scale, a prolonged border sea that promotes exporting activities. These factors and many other factors give a crucial indication to the main idea of extensive economic growth that is exclusive of political reasoning. Additionally, the economic growth in china naturally existed in Chinese land even before the democratic government system. Therefore, it could be assumed that the Chinese political system has enabled that government to guide its population to work sectors where growth of economy is more evident and thus allowing maximum efficiency of labor. Experts agree that democracy hinder growth in economy in third world nations because it generally leads in economic decision-making diffusion across the population that resultantly exposes local enterprises to extensive, increasingly efficient, external competitors. Therefore, many believe that centrally organized economic policy control promotes increased permanent growth and politic climate increasingly better for this is an authoritarian political condition.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Adversarial System vs Inquisitorial System Essay

Adversarial System vs Inquisitorial System - Essay Example They state that after one side of the proceedings wins the case, there is always a sense of closure for those who have been involved in the case. Moreover, it is always rare to find anyone who has any grievance concerning how the proceedings took place, because they believe that justice has been done. On the other hand, the proponents of the inquisitorial judicial system often state that this system is more suitable because it caters for social change as well as ensuring the creation of an efficient policy for court proceedings. This creates an environment where cases are dealt with swiftly and efficiently, and because the court has a hand in the investigations, it is a rare thing for false evidence to be presented. Moreover, the inquisitorial proceedings help ensure that the cost of legal proceedings remains low, because the court caters for the expenditure of the investigations being carried out (Ringnalda 120). When one closely considers these systems, one would say that the inqui sitorial system is more efficient in dealing with cases than adversarial system. In this paper, we shall analyze both of these systems and their application in various situations, assessing their strengths and weaknesses. The adversarial system is a judicial system that involves two opposing parties being represented by advocates, who defend the position of these parties before a group of people who are considered objective. In most of the cases handled under an adversarial system, the divergent parties present their cases before a judge for arbitration. This system is quite different from the inquisitorial system, where a judge, or a group of them, has a direct hand in the investigation of the cases, which have been brought before them. This is an advantage over the inquisitorial system because in such a system, there is always likelihood that the judge may be impartial in making decisions concerning the case. Consequently, the judge may end up making a decision in favor of the par ty to which he or she is partial. This is not the case in an adversarial system because the purpose of the judge is to listen to the proceedings and make a balanced decision based on the evidence presented by the parties involved. In this system, it does not matter which side is correct as long as the evidence presented gives an advantage to one party. The adversarial system is used in almost every country that practices common law, although there are exceptions in some instances, especially where the common law cannot be applied. This system has a structure of two sides, one dedicated to the defense, while the other is dedicated to the prosecution. The structure operates in a way that puts the defense against the prosecution, and the side that is able to make the more convincing argument ends up winning the case. This structure is set up in a way that justice is only achieved when the side with the best argument wins, despite the fact that the side that wins may be in the wrong. Th erefore, it is the task either of both the defense and the prosecution to convince a judge or in some cases a jury, that they are right. It is for the jury to decide which side has given a more convincing argument, and come up with a verdict (â€Å"Adversarial and Inquisitorial Legal Systems†). This is not the case in an inquisitorial system, because the parties involved might feel that they are at the mercy of the judge presiding over the case. Such a situation would make these parties not to be confident in the legal proceedings. They might feel that the judge might not have their best interests at heart when making decisions. Another advantage which the adversarial sys

Compensation Comparisons Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Compensation Comparisons - Assignment Example Look at the 25th percentile for both base pay and total cash compensation for Bookkeeper. Both of these amounts are the same. This means that bonuses are influenced by several factors including responsibilities, performance, and longevity. I would be able to use the above information in negotiation my salary for a job right after graduation. First, I would assess my level of skills for the job I am applying. Second, I would compare this level with that of others in the field. Say, if my level of skills is deemed above average, then I can demand a salary near the 75th percentile base pay of the job I am applying in. To support the asking price, I would present letters of references from my professors in relevant subjects detailing my performance in the class. However, the asking price of other applicants can significantly impact whether I get what I am asking for. For these jobs, the relevant labour market includes all industries as all firms in whatever field maintain an accounting department. Moreover, there is no significant differences between salaries in different locations. These salary data were developed based on the review of available and applicable market data as gathered by and’s team of compensation consultants. I believe that there is enough information to support the conclusion made by the team. This is so because given the speed with which people share information now data collection on sensitive issues is much easier. Nevertheless, the use of inaccurate salary data is a large financial impact. For example, if an erroneous salary data is used in negotiating one’s salary, then it is highly likely that the negotiated salary would also be incorrect. Given that this information is available for free, I wouldn’t bother with consultants surveys. However, if the job I am applying for is high level, say Chief Executive Officer, then this would be a time where I will use

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Ethical Reasoning Final Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Ethical Reasoning Final - Essay Example In conclusion, this author asserts that homosexual sex is not morally evil but is morally good. Corvino submission has, however, not gone unparalleled by opponents who feel that homosexuality is immoral. Obasola, Kehinde E., a professor in the Department of Religious Studies Olabisi Onabanjo University addresses this debate in his article titled â€Å"Ethical Perspective Of Homosexuality Among The African People.† His main argument against this practice is the abnormality that accompanies the act. For instance, human sexual bodies are developed for reproduction. Therefore, homosexuality is an acquired trait rather than innate. It is a distortion to the biological and psychological components of the body. This among several other reasons makes it to be morally unacceptable. In my forthcoming essay on this debate, I hold the opinion that opposes Corvino’s argument in favor of homosexuality. His arguing on the basis definition of unnatural does not hold water in so far as morality is concerned. Homosexuality is unnatural, and defies the sanctity of marriage, a natural institution designed for reproduction. It is therefore immoral. Corvino asserts that attributing homosexuality as unnatural stems from five basic interpretations of what is unnatural. In the very beginning, he objects the very idea of what is natural and its acceptance or likeableness in society. For instance, many lifestyle choices (housing, government, medicine, and even clothing) that are cherished by people at large are unnatural. On the other hand, some â€Å"natural† things are completely detested by society, such as, death, disease, and suffering. Subtly regarding â€Å"unnaturalness† as â€Å"rhetorical flourish,† Corvino challenges the very foundation of opposition (309). Corvino elaborates five different possible meanings of unnaturalness by

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Savings and Weath in Old Age Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Savings and Weath in Old Age - Essay Example The government is responsible in setting up policies that will help individual to accumulate resources that will aid them when they reach the retirement age or old age. For this reason one finds pension policies, taxation policies, housing policies and policies that govern homes where the old can live. The economy of America depends on the saving behavior of the people. To come up with this kind of behavior, one has to look at the patterns at which people are saving or view savings. Patterns of saving reveal the economic conditions of a country. High savings mean that individuals have high disposable income thus their living standards are better (Graham et. al., 2003). The saving rates of Americans have lately decreased to 5.3% from 7.6% annually. This is because very many Americans have a problem with household debt which has been on the increase. This is because Americans are spending more money in purchasing things that are essential for their existence. There is the problem of the wealth effect where the more an individual owns the more he or she needs to pay for it. The taxation policy really discourages savings and thus when such a wealthy person gets old; they have nothing to spend because he or she spent it securing the wealth. This reduces the accumulation of wealth for usage during the old age (Graham et. al., 2003). For the past ten years, there has been a great... People can quickly acquire liquid cash easily than before. This is increasing the inflation rate thus making things become more expensive and savings reducing completely. When one spends time purchasing goods and services for the use of that particular time, then it means that they have no more cash to keep for later use or for emergencies. Thus wealth is not accumulated and its abundance is a long gone story. This is a negative impact to the people because they have nothing to sustain them when they reach old age (Paul M. et al., 1996). Since the government sets the particular policies that affect the savings behavior of the people, it has the responsibility of coming up with public policies that will increase national savings. These can only be done by making good public policies. It can first of all make contractionary monetary policies to control the circulation of liquid cash within the economy. This will reduce the amount of liquid cash that is circulating within the economy. The action will reduce inflation by making money become scarce to the people. Thus expenditure in goods and services will reduce prompting people to save more (Paul M. et al., 1996). Savings can not be done by the government alone. Americans need to balance their purchase of things to enable them to save for their future which is mostly old age. These can be done through campaigns that are being used to educate individuals against high rates of purchasing. They need to learn to purchase the most important things and leave out those that are less important (Paul M. et al., 1996). The taxation policy by the government is a complete discouragement to saving by

Monday, September 23, 2019

Piracy of Music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Piracy of Music - Essay Example The music industry is currently confronting a formidable threat, identified as the practice of music file sharing through peer-to-peer networks or, in more blunt terms, as music piracy and the unauthorized recording and distribution of copyrighted intellectual material. The enormity of the threat is evidenced in the fact that from 2000 to 2003 and, as a direct consequence of music piracy, the industry lost two billion dollars in sale (Desmond et al., 2004). Apart from the significance of the quoted figure, those who earn their livelihood from the music industry are extremely worried about their future and their capacity to continue to support themselves and their families. This concern is clearly articulated by Pimm Fox (2004) who warns that if unauthorized music sharing via peer-to-peer protocols continues unabated, there is no doubt that the greater majority of music stores will be forced out of business. In other words, the piracy of music is not a â€Å"victimless† crime, as many have argued but, is a blatant violation of copyright law which claims victims, as in people whose livelihood is directly and strongly harmed by the practice (Thall, 2003). Therefore, even though some have defended the practice of peer-to-peer music file sharing, the fact is that it is a direct violation of copyright laws and has real victims and, as such must be confronted through an identification of its root causes, commonly argued as overpriced CDs and limited options for legally customized music selections, and the reformation of the music business in a way which would address these causes. Music piracy is an inarguable violation of established copyright laws and of the fundamental legal principle of property. Music, as explained by Frank Thorsberg and Elsa Wenzel (2003) is defined as a form of property and, more specifically, as intellectual property. This means that rights are owned and controlled by an individual, a group of individuals or corporation and that only its legal owners possess the right to exploit and distribute it, or arrange for its exploitation and distribution (Thorsberg and Wenzel, 2003). According to the law, therefore, music is property and each piece of musical creation has an owner whose rights to it, as noted by Thall (2003) are protected and upheld by both national and international law. From the legal perspective, therefore, music is property and each piece of music has a legally identified and registered owner. The fact that music is property over which individuals enjoy ownership rights that are protected by the law, means that the rights to use that music, or property, are controlled by the owner. Peer-to-peer music file sharing, insofar as it violates the owner's right to determine the distribution of his/her property and denies him/her the right to economically exploit his music as a financial asset, is a violation of the rights of property owners as established by the law(Thall, 2003). Accordingly, music copyright owners have denounced, as stated by Thorsberg and Wenzel, (2003) music file sharing as music piracy and the theft of property. When one considers that "civilized society is predicated upon the sanctity of private property" (Thall, 2003), the full enormity of the practice is exposed. Quite simply stated, and from within the legal perspective, the unauthorized downloading of music through peer-to-peer programs such as Kazaa, iMesh or LimeWire, constitutes the theft of private p roperty. In defense of the practice and in response to the legal claim that music piracy is a crime, some have argued that it is a victimless crime which harms no one. This argument is not only baseless but it is in direct contradiction with facts which irrevocably prove that the music industry is suffering near-incalculable loss as a result. Financial estimates calculate annual loss at 350 million dollars per annum with an analysis of the growing popularity of peer-to-peer music file sharing leading to the prediction that this figure is likely to multiply in the near future (Desmond et al.,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet Essay Example for Free

Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet Essay In Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet, the character Friar Laurence had the greatest influence on the tragic outcome of the play. Friar Lawrence was a trusted holy man whose judgment was held in the highest reverence by Romeo and Juliet. However, he failed to provide a wise solution to their dilemma. Romeo and Juliets demise was the product of the Friars predisposition to act in haste, his irresponsibility and his fear of being disgraced. The Friars first shortcoming that contributed to the tragic result is the way he commits to impulsive and rash decisions. For example, when Romeo tells the Friar of his new love for Juliet, the Friar tells Romeo that he is acting too hastily and not thinking about the consequences, they stumble that run fast. (II. III. 94). However, despite his advice to Romeo of thinking before acting, he decides to marry them in hope that this will end the family feud, even though he knows that the secret wedlock can only further infuriate the two families. This is evident when the Friar says: Both Romeo and Juliet respected Friar Laurences decisions, and although he preaches the value of patience, his own impetuous conclusions is the first way he led Romeo and Juliet to catastrophe.  Friar Laurences second inadequacy that had a negative impact on the play is his irresponsibility. Although he should be the figure of dependability, the Friar is the one whose plan is the least dependable. Instead of thinking of a way to diplomatically arrive on a mutually satisfying agreement between the Capulet and Montague houses, he devises an outrageous plan that has almost no chance of success. He gives Juliet a potion to make her appear dead, and although Juliet knows this plan carries a huge risk, she is so distraught by Romeos banishment that she is willing to try anything. She even goes as far as questioning the Friars motives: Instead of avoiding senseless plans, the Friar not only generates a plan which is doomed to fail, but does not even responsibly administer the plan. He sends Friar John to send the letter to Romeo that explains the plan. He had not made it clear to Friar John how important the delivery was, since the messenger became quarantined in a house due to suspicions of being infected with disease. Friar Laurence should have been responsible enough to deliver the letter himself, and this is the second way in which he negatively affects the outcome of the play. The final way in which Friar Laurence unconstructively influenced the play is his fear of sin and getting in trouble. In the tomb, Juliet woke up and found Romeos dead body beside her. Friar Laurence had been late to wake up Juliet and when he realized what happened, he directed Juliet to escape with him:  Stay not to question, for the watch is coming.  Come, go, good Juliet. I dare no longer stay.  (V, III, l. 158-159) He then cowardly ran out of the tomb because of his fear of being caught by the Prince and his men. He left the shocked Juliet alone and he knew she was willing to kill herself over Romeos death. Later on, when Juliet killed herself and the Capulets and Montagues wanted an explanation, he admitted that he was at fault:  Miscarried by my fault, let my old life be sacrificed.  Unto the rigor of severest law.  (V. III. 267-269) This fear of being caught is the third way that Friar Laurence has negatively affected the play.  In conclusion, Friar Laurence was important because he holds the greatest blame for the tragic events in the play. He did this because of his hasty decision-making, his irresponsibility and his uncertainty for his safety. The outcome of the play might have been happier if someone else directed Romeo and Juliets actions. He does have the best intentions for Romeo and Juliet, and it is ironic how his best intentions cause the greatest tribulations for the two lovers. If the Friar had acted the way he had preached to Romeo, he would be a hero. As he had described the misapplied virtue of the herbs in the garden, the same applies to him: Virtue itself turns vice, being misapplied.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Creating Law in the UK

Creating Law in the UK Parliament is the supreme law-making body in the UK. Statutes are above all, and Judges role is to apply and interpret the statutes. There are four rules of interpretation, which have developed throughout the history and some of which after long lasting disputes. Law in the UK is also dependant on the EU law, which should be stronger that domestic law. There are several courts in United Kingdom, on the top of the hierarchy lies the Supreme Court, any precedent set there, cannot be overruled by any other court. Judges job is to interpret statutes, and in some cases, to make law. But is it true that judges can make new law? Here I am going to discuss whether judges do in some cases make new law, or do they apply the existing statutes and common law cases. The Law in United Kingdom comes as legislation, from the Acts of Parliament, or, from Common Law decisions of the courts set as precedents. Legislation is superior to all other sources of law; judges job is to interpret and apply them in courts. Common Law is historically the oldest source of law in the UK, all the law used to be made by judges on authority of the monarch. Precedents ensure the development of the legal system. So, this raises a question: are judges still considered as law makers in United Kingdom? The traditional way of judicial law making is that judges should play no part in creative law making, they should just declare it. The declaratory theory of law, famously introduced by William Blackstone on the eighteenth century, stated the idea that judges do not make the law but only declare what it has always been[1]. The theory was famously opposed by John Austin in Lectures on Jurisprudence: Or, The Philosophy of Positive Law as childish fiction[2]. Nowadays the Decl aratory Theory is widely opposed, it does not seem to go together with todays changing society and technological development. In his book, Lord Reid called the opinion that judges only declare law and do not make it a fairy tale that is not believed anymore[3]. Therefore, there has been a lot of debate on whether Blackstones theory is correct and judges do not actually make law but merely declare it. After legislation comes Common Law precedents set by previous decisions of cases, which is also a source of law making in the UK. The Doctrine of Precedent It is based on two principles: position of a court in the court hierarchy and how similar is the mixture of law and fact in the two cases being considered. The key feature in common law cases is stare decisis, which means to stand by things decided. Highest is the Supreme Court (previously House of Lords), which is not bound by its own previous decisions. As said by Lord Chancellor Gardiner in The Practice Statement, that too rigid adherence to precedent may lead to injustice and restrict the development of the law, which is why House of Lords should be able to depart from previous decisions[4]. The Doctrine of Precedent is meant to lead to predictable and consistent development of legal principles, and the reason for the Practice Statement was that if courts are strongly bound by precedent the law cannot evolve. It is rarely use d, though, but sometimes controversially. Like the case of R v Howe[5] which overruled the case of Lynch v DPP for NI[6], and fundamentally changed the defence of duress. By decision made in the case of Howe, in my opinion, judges did not make new law, but rather complemented it. On the contrast, in the case of R v R[7], where marital rape was decided to be illegal, seemed like a making of a new law by judges. So, in some cases the courts can overrule a certain previous precedent and in some cases, make new law. The primary law in UK comes as statutes. Four rules have developed throughout history to interpret statutes: The literal rule, the golden rule, the mischief rule and the purposive approach, last one being the most modern. The Literal Rule states that the words of legislation should be given their ordinary natural meaning, though that might in some cases lead to an absurdity. Like in Fisher v Bell[8] where the flick knives sold were treated as an invitation to treat and was not therefore under the Act[9] which clearly had the aim of prevent the exact matter. The second one, The Golden Rule, was described by Lord Wensleydale in Grey v Pearson as that if a literal meaning leads to absurdity, the grammatical sense of the word may be modified to avoid it[10]. The Mischief Rule is laid out in Heydons case by four things to consider when interpreting statutes, which in summary consists of what was the common law before, what it was missing, and what is parliament trying to resolve [11]. Now , the most modern one of the rules is The Purposive Approach, which stresses the need to interpret legislation in a way to achieve its objectives. This approach gives judges a lot of flexibility of deciding cases, and might look like it gives judges the power to make law. About interpreting statutes, Lord Simonds stated in his opinion against interpretation of statutes other than in a literal way, that the duty of courts is to interpret words as they are, however ambiguous they are, it is still not up to the judges to travel outside them on a voyage of discovery [1] The Declaratory Theory of Law Oxford J Legal studies (2013) [2] The Declaratory Theory of Law Oxford J Legal Studies (2013), originally from John Austin: Lectures on Jurisprudence: Or, The Philosophy of Positive Law [3] Lord Reid, The Judge as Lawmaker (1972) 12 J Soc Public Teachers L 22 > assessed 18 march 2017 [4] The Practice Statement, House of Lords [1966] 3 All ER 77 [5] R v Howe and another and another appeal [1987] 1 All ER 771 [6] Lynch v Director of Public Prosecutions for Northern Ireland [1975] 1 All ER 913 [7] R v R(Rape: marital exemption) [1991] 4 All ER 481 [8] Fisher v Bell [1961] 1 QB 394, [1960] 3 All ER 731 [9] Restriction of Offensive Weapons Act 1959, s 1(1). [10] John Grey and Others, -Appellants; William Pearson and Others, -Respondents (1857) 10 ER 1216 [11] (1584) 3 Coke 7a 76 E.R. 637

Thursday, September 19, 2019

herody Free Essays on Homers Odyssey - Odysseus Is Not A Hero :: Homer Odyssey Essays

Odysseus Is Not A Hero A hero is "a man noted for his special achievements" according to the dictionary, but if you ask most people what a hero is, you will get the same general response. They will probably say "someone who does something for other people out of the goodness of his heart." Odysseus, who is the main character of the book "The Odyssey" written by Homer, would fit the dictionary's definition of a hero; but if you go deeper, looking at what people feel a hero is, he doesn't even come close. In the book, Odysseus does nothing out of the goodness of his heart. Even if Odysseus fought in the Trojan War, he is not a hero because he is self-centered and ignorant to other people's values and needs. There are multiple examples of Odysseus being self-centered, such as not taking people's advice. Odysseus was given advice from Circe that said not to try to fight Scylla even when she takes six of your men, but Odysseus tried to fight her and he lost three more men than the six he already lost. He also neglected to take the advice from his crew member, Eurylochus. Eurylochus told Odysseus not to send men to see what was on Circe's island and because he sent them anyway, they ended up being turned into pigs. Odysseus also neglects other people's lives when he takes action; such as when he tried to fight Scylla after strictly being told not to. Because of this ignorant action, he lost three more men on top of the other six. He also sacrificed men when he waited at the Cyclops' home for "gifts." Odysseus was very self-centered where real heroes are not. Odysseus also lacks the part of the hero profile which includes having a good heart. Odysseus definitely does not have this because he kills people without giving them a chance. Odysseus killed every one of the suitors in cold blood when most of them didn't commit a crime suitable for the death penalty. He also killed all of the maids who were raped by the suitors as if the had a choice in the matter. Odysseus also doesn't care about his crew members.

Southwest Airlines Essay -- essays research papers fc

I.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Current Situation Following the Deregulation in 1978, a competitive price war ensued among the airline industry as a direct result of the new freedom for airlines to set their own fares as well as route entry and exits. This gave rise to the operating structure of the airlines as it exists today, consisting of the point-to-point system and the hub and spoke system. With this came the change of focus for major airlines to non-stop, cross-country routes in densely populated cities, which, in a regulated environment, would be profitable. This resulted in the obvious outcome of increased competition, thus lowering the average industry prices for non-stop cross country routes which were profitable. This caused operating costs to increase, narrowing the profit margins. During the mid 80’s, acquisition led to eight airlines capturing a disproportionate share of domestic traffic. Due to a recession and increasing fuel prices in the 90’s, bankruptcy and collapse were common to many carriers. As a direct result, new airlines were formed, and now position themselves as low fare, no frill airlines. As a culture, American consumers seem to follow one obvious trend; the need and desire for maximum safety. This trend has seen a rapid rise in the wake of 9/11, and seems to show no sign of a decline. This can be further observed in the form of advanced airport/airline security measures and regulations. In accordance with this, Southwest has always prided themselves on being the safest airline in the industry, adapting to the rapidly changing times. This has helped them soar over competition. A.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Industry 1. Industry Defined and Total Volume   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Southwest exists and operates within the air travel industry in the United States; an industry which has traditionally been based on a point-to-point flight system. However, this industry has been redefined, evolving into a hub-and-spoke system which all airlines have adopted; all except Southwest. Hub-and-spoke flights, called feeder flights, are defined by long-haul, layover flights where consumers stop at a central hub city and can then either continue the flight on the same plane, or transfer onto a different plane flown by the same carrier. The point-to-point system, deployed by Southwest, is non-stop flights, called shuttle flights. Th... ...profit while other airlines dive into the red.† January 2, 2005. Maynard, Micheline. â€Å"Southwest Losing Its Immunity to Labor Conflicts of Airlines.† The New York Times. July 4, 2002. (C1). Okada, Bryon. â€Å"Airline: Wright law still wrong on long-haul flights.† Knight Ridder Tribune News. February 18, 2005. (1-3). â€Å"Sail the Ocean Blue with the Airline Cast and Crew; Customers Can Take a Cruise with their Favorite ‘AIRLINE’ Characters.† PRNewswire, February 14, 2005. Serwer, Andy. â€Å"Southwest Airlines: The hottest Hottest Thing in the Sky.† Fortune: February 23, 2004. â€Å"Southwest Airlines Expands Nonstop Flights Between Houston Hobby and Los Angeles International.† CNNMoney, February 3, 2005. Southwest Airlines Co. 2005. â€Å"Southwest Airlines Sends Hottest Fares Directly to customers’ Computer Desktops† PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX, February 28, 2005. Training & Development. â€Å"Southwest Airlines charts a high-performance flight.† Alexandria: June 1995. Issue 6. (Vol 49-39). Yahoo! Finance. 2005.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Glamorous Lives Changed By Children :: Film Movie Raising Helen Uptown Girls Essays

Glamorous Lives Changed By Children In the movies â€Å"Raising Helen† and â€Å"Uptown Girls†, two women find their glamorous lifestyles turned inside out and themselves’ in the constant and close company of children who they do not seem at all fit to take care of. Although these women have similar experiences with children and are shaped and changed in similar ways by these experiences, their circumstances are quite different. The two women learn a world completely different from their own through being care takers to children. They each have new responsibilities that come out of this experience and, as a result, are shaped into entirely new people with new values and memories of life. Both women gain experience in responsibility to someone they truly care about. Although their glamorous lifestyles are changed drastically by these responsibilities, both women realize the true happiness and satisfaction they get from doing something and being there for someone other than themselves. As a resu lt, they learn to value selflessness and memories that could never be out done by a life of glamour and money. In â€Å"Raising Helen†, Helen Harris in her glamorous, big-city life one day finds herself acquiring custody of her two nieces and one nephew. Her life is turned inside out and she is completely beside herself when trying to figure out what to do. Helen and the kids face many trials and tribulations but soon make a life together that, although is lived one day at a time, works. Helen is shaped into a whole new person and learns now more than ever what it means to be a family. In â€Å"Uptown Girls†, Molly a rock n’ roll princess has her glamorous and rich life swept out from under her feet when she finds out that her accountant has blown all of her daddy’s money. She ends up in a job as a Nanny for nine year old Ray who has a mother too busy with her own life to even notice her daughter. Molly and Ray hate each other at first but soon become the best of friends and learn how to accept each other’s quirks. Molly is also shaped into a whole other person and learns what it means to have a true best friend. Both women experience a drastic change in their lives. They are hit with new responsibility, a kind of responsibility that, if neglected, would affect another human-being, not just themselves.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Principles Of Support Essay

Introduction The Health and Social care has many sections or Organisations that provide Healthcare services to people with special needs. Health and social care services use the Philosophy of Careto support vulnerable people by implementing their rights according to the right legislation and codes of practice. The legislation also provides way to protect the service users for harm and abuse. A person-centred approach used by the services ensure individual needs of service users. Although the philosophy of care is used to improve and care for service users yet there is still ethical dilemmas and conflicts that we face. As a care workers in ABC care home we have to do all the required training to always know and do what is expected of us when it comes to protecting service users and use the theories of human development that can help me manage with the considering of social processes to make recommendations for health and social care services to vulnerable people with others professionals. Principl es are simply rules or guideline. In this case we are looking at guideline of support. Principles of support are useful to health and social care settings success. We can apply principles of support to ensure that individuals are cared for by promoting Anti-discriminatory practice. This is by lawful treating every individual with respect, by not treating them less favourable or disadvantaged. (Anti-Discrimination Act 1998. Tasmania). This can achieved by promoting and supporting individuals’ rights. People who need health care particularly long –term care they sometime feel like their dignity and independence is being taken away from them. Principles of support are applied to ensure that individuals are cared for in Health and social care settings by supporting individuals’ beliefs and identities. For example if they are Christians most of them some would be expected to have a need to church. To ensure that individuals are cared in health and social care is by applying the principles of support. Every Individuals confidentiality should be taken ser ious, this is very important in health and social care settings because it relates to personal information about patients. The purpose of a confidential care service is to protect the Patients information and restrict who can access it. The Data protection Act (1998) enforces service users information to be protected. ( Practising  promoting effective communication is another way of applying principles of support to individualism health and social care settings. Communication is a two-way process of interaction between two or more people, this involves sender, massage, medium, understanding and then feedback. (Hodder Education) Support and allow individuals to use technology to support themselves. For example, some services users can learn how to play computer games or other forms of computer related tasks and from there then they can always support themselves playing. (Skills for care) By supporting and allowing risk management and risk taking to increase individuals’ independence and choice. This is achieved by guiding and monitoring services users to get involved in some physical activities. For example playing football, running and others. (Skills for care) 1.2 OUTLINE THE PROCEDURE FOR PROCTECTING CLIENTS, PATIENTS AND COLLEAGUES FROM HARM. Protection in Health and social settings is done mainly in two ways. The first one is to protecting service users from harm and secondly is to safeguard vulnerable people from abuse. So protection in Health and social care is to safeguard from harm or abuse. Harm is damage or injury caused by people or event. Abuse is a violation of individuals’ human and civil rights. Safeguard from abuse is the multi-displinary work done by care services or other Organisations to minimise and manage risk to Adults that could be exposed to abuse. ABC care home Staff should to know who is behind enforcing the philosophy of care and how it’s applies to protect the entire ABC care home staff and the care home. To Protect ABC care home staff and anyone else that might use the services ABC Carers have to get induction and training when they start work. This is to ensure that ABC Carers have enough knowledge about ABC workplace. This is finding out information and facts for me to settle in ABC care home. This includes codes of practice, rules and regulations that run the care home hence protecting service users and one else that can come to the premises. Training can help Carers to protect service users at ABC care home form harm by learning how to manual handle. This is using my bodily force to lifting, lowering, pushing, pulling or caring service users within the care home. The regulation that covers manual handling is. (The Manual Handle Operations Regulations 1992. amended 2000). This will enable ABC Carers to use the right equipment for the task and use  good handling technique to move the service users and this will reduce risk harming Service user. (www According to (care and the registered manager’s award book) training has to be effective. For this to happen the effective training cycle was created and it has to be fully followed for effective training to be achieved. The cycle involve Identifying training needs, establish training objectives, developing training activity, deliver training activity, check training objectives made and measure improvements. For training to work effectively with in the ABC care home, Trainers have to ensure that they are using every part of the cycle step by step. This will not only benefit ABC care home but it will help focussing on the right service user for the right reason hence this leading to the desired outcome of training. (Health care and the registered manager’s Award). To be able to protect vulnerable people in ABC care home Carers have to make sure that their personal hygiene is up the standards of Health and social care settings. Hygiene can be achieved in appearance, dressing, behaviour and personal cleanliness. Due the fact that caring for vulnerable people in ABC care home involves serving food. Every staff that deals with serving food has to be clean so that they do not contaminate service users’ food and this can reduce service users from being food poisoned. More to that, ABC care home carer need to know about food hygiene. Food hygiene involves washing hands when starting work, after the use of the toilet, between handling cooked and raw food, after sneezing and so on. (http:/ T his can minimise the chances of contaminating food that Carers could be handling. Food hygiene rules of food refrigeration have to be followed, food should not be overloaded or packed tightly, hot food should never be placed in the refrigerators, clean the refrigerators regularly, separate cooked food from raw, check food temperature control. To protect everyone at ABC care home from harm Carers should follow the Health and safety at work Act (HASWA) 1974 Regulations. This act was created to ensure that health and safety at workplace was less risky of harm and injury. Secondly, ABC Carer should apply the reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences to the health and safety Executive or local Authority. (RIDDOR) 1995. Furthermore, Management of Health and Safety at work Regulations (MHSWR) 1999. The regulation needs employers and managers to do risk assessment in work place. The application  of this Regulation can help reduce hazards. (Health and social care Diploma) The Disability Discriminating Act (DDA) 1995. It puts responsibility on employers to make sure that people with disability can get safe access and exit from the workplace. (Health and social care Diploma) Another Regulation that can really be useful in a care home is (COSHH) 2002. This means the control of substances Hazardous to Health. It provides a framework to reduce the risk to Health and safety in association with hazardous substances. (Health and social care Diploma). ABC carer should know a few techniques about first Aid. First Aid is the first help given to sick or injured person until full medical treatment is available. This will enable Carers to help service users in case of emergency. For example if a service user is unconscious and breathing they should be placed in the recovery position and so on. Carers in ABC Care home should use the Whistle Blowing Policy; ( If a member of staff in ABC care home is miss treating service users or other Carers it’s Carers’ job to report the crime to the manager or local council depending how big the problem is. Appling the Medicines Act 1968 would minimise the risk to service users in ABC care home by giving medicine to the right service user, right time, right medication, right dosage and route. ( 1.3 ANALYSE THE BENEFIT OF FOLLOWING A PERSON CENTRED APPROACH WITH THE USERS OF ABC CARE HOME. The person centred approach was developed by Carl Rogers (1902-1987) a Psychologist. This was mainly in relation to the therapist and the client, he named it the client centred approach then later he renamed this theory a person centred approach because he wanted to minimise the individuals’ Autonomy. He developed a person centred approach as a way of counselling and psychotherapy. This approach is applied essentially as a Non Directive. Following a person centred approach in ABC care home would help in developing a service user focused service by ensuring that their needs are fulfilled. For example, Health care workers have to provide assistance to the disabled people by doing things for them that they can’t do themselves. For example, some disabled people can’t bath themselves in this case caretakers have to bath them. Using a person centred approach in ABC care home could help to find out Areas to be improved within the care home. This is by care staff in ABC home ensuring  that every individuals’ need is given the right solution. For example, the right wheel chair for different types of disability. Applying a person centred approach in the ABC home can help users to plan ahead for their lives. Care workers can support users achieve their long term goals. This is making sure that service users are well fed and given medication if they are sick to maintain a good health. Using a person centred approach in ABC care can enable users to have choice and control of their own lifestyles. ( For example, service users can decide what type of clothes they want to wear. 1.4 Explain ethical dilemmas and conflict that may arise while providing care, support and protection to users of health and social care services. The Ethical dilemma is ‘a situation in which a different choice has to be made between two or more alternatives, especially ones that are equally undesirable’. (Oxford dictionary 2012). The ethical dilemma that has been faced by ABC workers when caring for Mrs. M is that she has acute pains and painkillers prescribed by the doctors are not working due the fact that she likes drinking whisky that she has failed to cut down and this is affecting the painkillers from working. The conflict in Mrs. M’s situation is that painkillers are needed to be taken to reduce the pain she is having but the whisky Mrs. M likes taking is stopping the painkillers from working. 2.1 Explain the implementation of polices, Legislation, regulations and codes of practice that are relevant to own work in ABC care home. A Cording to the Oxford dictionary (2010) a policy is ‘a course of actions, as of a government, political, or business, intended to influence and determine decisions, actions, and other matters’. Every Child Matters is one of the policies used in ABC care home for children welfare. ( every child matters policy’s aim is to ensure that children are healthy. ABC care workers should make sure that children have good physical and mental health by giving them food, encouraging children to have enough exercises and giving them medication when they are sick. In ABC home Children are safe under the Every Child Matters policy. ( The policy’s aim is to protect children from harm and neglect. Caretakers in ABC home should care for the children by giving the love and ensuring that their needs are  fulfilled. For example, washing their clothes. etc. Care staff in ABC should follow the Healthy and Safety at work act 1974 to minimise harm to children. For example, following (RIDDOR 1995) ABC care takers should report injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences the Healthy and Safety Executives to so that cases can be followed and investigated to prevent future injuries, diseases and so on. Children should make a positive contribution by engaging in community activities and being part of Society. ( ABC Care staff should ensure that children are not anti-social and not doing any Crimes. The ABC home staff should encourage children to go school so that they don’t end up is gangs. More to that, Quality protects is another policy that was created by the Department of Health in 1998. ( Quality protects’ aim is to support Local Authorities in transforming the way they manage and deliver Children’s Social services. One of the Quality Protects’ aims in ABC care home is to make sure that Children get a bond to ABC carers enabling safe and effective care for the period of Childhood. For example, there should be a father and son relationship between a Male carer and a boy service user. Secondly, ABC carers must protect Children from emotional, physical and sexual abuse and neglect. ABC Carers should not verbally abuse Children or beat then and ABC carers should do (CRB) checks before they can be employed by ABC care home so that children can be in good hands. Etc. Legislation. The rehabilitation of offenders Act 1974. ( The Act would help service users in ABC care home who have committed crimes to be rehabilitated by enabling criminal convictions with some exceptions to be spent or ignored after a rehabilitation period. For example, crimes committed by mentally sick service users could be dealt with differently. Human Rights Act 1998. (Elizabeth et al. 2010). The Act protects rights given under the European convention on human rights. This Act points out that everyone has a right to live. In the ABC care home under the Human rights Act 1998 (equality service users should be given a chance to live their lives the way they want and their needs should be fulfilled. Under this Act the right to live means giving service users food, medication and shelter. etc. The Human right Act 1998 protects ABC service users from slavery and forced labour. No service users should be treated  like a slave, ABC carers should not force use rs to do unpaid work around the ABC care home. ABC carers should not discriminate against service users under Human rights Act 1998. Carers should treat every service user the same regardless of where they are coming from. Carers should tolerate and respect Users cultures and religions. No service users shall be punished without law. (Equality ABC care workers should not beat or give any other punishments to service users without court proceedings. Codes of practice (Skills for care). According to skills for care website Codes of practise is â€Å"a list of statements that describes the standards of professional conduct and practice required of social care workers as they go about their daily work†. The code of practice help to protect service users in ABC care home (Skills for care) by protecting their rights and promoting the interest of service users and Carers. ABC carers can do this by treating everyone as an individual, respecting their cultural beliefs and religions, supporting and maintaining dignity and privacy of users. 2.2 Explain how Local policies and procedures can be developed in accordance with national and policy requirements. Local policies are principles of action developed by individual care homes to help safeguard service users from abuse. These principles are developed according to the service users the care home is caring for. For example some children’s care home principles differ from the elderly ones. Policies and procedures when developed they give employers and employees guidelines for fair and legal treatment to every service user in an organisation or care home. Policies create rules of how to run care homes and policies give ways how policies could be implemented within the care home. ( National policies are principles of action proposed by the government to help safeguard service users in statutory, private and voluntary organisations all around the country. ABC care home would implement the protecting patients from avoidable harm policy. ( by using the five domains obtained from the three part definition of Quality First which states that; Quality care consist of: effectiveness, patient experience and safety. The five domains from the definition are: Preventing people from dying prematurely, ABC carers can prevent people dying prematurely by doing risk assessment, this can help find hazards within the ABC care home that could be life threatening. For example faulty electric switches, sockets and cables could be found by risk  assessing and fixed to ensure that the ABC care home is safe for service users. The second domain is enhancing quality of life for people with long term conditions ( In ABC care home employers can help improve quality of lives of service users with long term conditions by giving them healthy food and encourage them to do exercises so that they can stay fit. Thirdly, help people to recover from episodes of ill health ( With the ABC carers can help service users to recover from ill health by giving patients their medicine on time and by ensuring that doses are finished in the advised time. etc. Treating service users with respect, dignity and compassion policy. ( ABC carers should treat service user with respect, this is by knocking on service users doors to get permission from them before cares can enter. ABC carers should treat service users with dignity and compassion. ABC carers should ensure that service users are not abused and should enable service users to maintain the highest level of independence, choice and control. For example, ABC carers should ask services users what type of food they want to eat by offering users food options. â€Å"Improving care for people with dementia policy†. This policy is implemented in ABC care home by increasing diagnosis rate for people with dementia because there is a low diagnosis for people with dementia in England as whole. For example invest more money in ABC care home to improve the project by buying better toolkit to ensure that ABC employers and employees provide a better service. 2.3 The Care Standard Act 2000 was put in place by the government on 20th July 2000 and came into effect April 2002. The Act was made to help reforming the regulatory system for care services in England and wales. These services include: residential car e homes, children homes, nursing homes, domiciliary care agencies, fostering and so on. The Care Standards Act 2000 aims were to extend the regulation of social Care from two white papers published by the Government in 1998 and 1999 entitled â€Å"Modernising Social Services and Building for the future†. ( The Act established a new independent regulatory body for Social Care, private and voluntary health care services in England known as the National Care Standards Commission ( This was to ensure that improvements in care through the Act’s triple functions of inspections, regulation and reviewing all Social Services. â€Å"The Act established the General Social Care Council† (GSCC). (  regulate the quality and standards of Staff working in Social Care but was replace by the Health Professions Council (HPC) from August 2012. Another Act that helped in Social Care settings is the Safeguarding Vulnerable Group Act 2006. The Act is an important part of a bigger programme of work. It spreads across Gov ernment departments and it is created to solve the failures found by the 2004 Bichard inquiry from the Soham murders. Recommendation 19 of the Bichard inquiry report states that; ‘new arrangements should be introduced requiring those who wish to work with children, or vulnerable Adults to be registered. The register would confirm that there is no reason why an individual should not work with these clients’. (Safeguarding Vulnerable group Act 2006 fact sheet). The Act formed a body called the Independent Barring Board (â€Å"IBB†). The IBB establishes and maintains children’s and Adults’ barred list. The Act points out offences and writes down penalties for not complying with the Act. For example if a door is meant to be kept locked and the Manager opens it he could get fined 5000 pounds or six months imprisonment if Inspectors find out. The No Secrets policy document has guidelines on developing and implementing multi-Agency policies and procedures to protect vulnerable adults at risk of abuse. One of the No secrets principles is to recognise people who are unable to take their own decisions or protect themselves, their belongings or bodily integrity this helps to adults at risk of being abused. No Secrets’ â€Å"getting the message across† states that when it comes to employment people convicted of big offences do not have the protection of the Rehabilitation of offenders Act 1974 this could help stop adults being abused. The policy defines who is at risk, what way and what action to be taken when abuse happens to vulnerable people. The policy defines abuse as â€Å"a violation of human rights by any other person or persons†. REFERENCES

Monday, September 16, 2019


Introduction Globalization has lead to an increase in the integration of national markets and the interdependence of Countries worldwide have opened their boundaries for a wide range of goods, services, and commodities. Today, in a globalised economy, no nation is self-sufficient. Every nation is involved at different levels in trade to sell what it produces, in order to gain what it lacks and also to produce more effectively than their partners. Maritime history, the study of human activity at sea, covers a broad thematic element of history that often uses a global approach. Freight forwarders typically arrange cargo movement to an international destination. Also referred to as international freight forwarders, they have the expertise that allows them to prepare and process the documentation and perform related activities pertaining to international shipments. Some of the typical information reviewed by a freight forwarder is the commercial invoice, shipper's export declaration, bill of lading and other documents required by the carrier or country of export, import, or transhipment. Much of this information is now processed in a paperless environment. A freight forwarder who does not own vessel, but functions as a carrier by issuing its own bills of lading and assuming responsibility for the shipments is called an NVOCC Non Vessel Operating Common Carrier. Firm that ship cargo on behalf of its client. NVOCC functions like any other carrier, issuing its own bills of lading or air waybills. There are numerous benefits of using a Non Vessel Operating Common Carrier. They can also help a company save time and resources because of their understanding and immense knowledge of the cargo shipping industry. This knowledge includes information on what the most effective and efficient routes of delivery are, based on specific destinations. They have expertise in most of the constituents of cargo shipping, packaging, pickup and delivery. This knowledge is institutional in providing a cargo with the best possible standards in accordance with international standards of delivery. Non-vessel operating common carriers are considered to be one of the â€Å"intermediaries† in the shipping industry. The latest law in this area has defined the NVOCC as â€Å"a common carrier which does not own or operate the vessels by which the ocean transportation is provided, and is a shipper in its relationship with the ocean carrier Latest law has defined the NVOCC as â€Å"a common carrier which does not own or operate the vessels by which the ocean transportation is provided, and is a shipper in its relationship with the ocean carrier. † NVOCC operators buy space from ocean carriers for consolidated shipments from a variety of clients. Documentation, logistical planning and warehousing of cargo from the port to final destination also are taken care of as part of the services provided. It was in 1951, when first intermodal modern day container was built and in 1955 first intermodal transport was operated. For the purpose to stream line the movement of container from origin to destination, there were intermediaries at each stage in the system. Ocean Freight Forwarder, Custom Clearance Agents, Trucking Agency, Railway Booking and Wagon Lease Agency, Container Freight Station, Port Clearance Agents, etc. Components Each time of the following three stages, i. . Inland Transportation at origin, Seaway and Finally Inland Transportation at destination, a new Bill of Lading was issued and cargo was insured. With International Trade increasing in 1970’s, efficiencies from containerisation led to trade of large volume and increased ocean carrier’s attention to ship with Full container load (FCL). That was the ti me when NVOCC emerged into the business. NVOCC’s are considered as one of the â€Å"intermediaries† in maritime industry. NVOCC’s went a way ahead in the business and provided end to end logistic solution even to small shippers. Business Model for NVOCC follows as shown below. At the origin, a NVOCC plays a role of consolidator as well as packaging agency, whereby they take part parcels from various shippers and consolidate in one full load container. Increase in efficiency and low time turn out time in transportation from inland depots to gateways of port. Another concept of Multicity Consolidation (MCC) is also leveraged by NVOCC’s. Once the cargo is placed in Container Freight Stations (CFS) or ware house at ICD’s, Cargo to a same destination is consolidated in one FCL. In this way NVOCC’s filled a transportation niche, particularly for inland ports, as onsolidator for smaller shippers ignored or abandoned by the ocean carrier. NVOCC Bill of lading: NVOCC's releases MULTIMODAL House Bill of Ladings (HBL) once they run a door-to-door service. They issue this HBL against shipper/final consignee whilst the Steam Ship Line issues a Master B/L (MBL) against the forwarder at origin and the forwarder at destination. NVOCCs play an importan t part in international trade. It is important that safeguards are in place to ensure the security of blank Bills of Lading, and there are systems in place to track them if they are misused. A NVOCC, who does not charter an entire ship, concludes contracts of carriage with several shippers/freight forwarders concerning individual packages or containers. When the NVOCC has accumulated an appropriate number of orders, he concludes a contract of carriage with a carrier who actually will perform the transportation. The NVOCC makes money by obtaining a better price from the carrier than he (the NVOCC) charges his shippers. The main duty of a carrier consists of the unconditional and unlimited obligation to transport the goods from the port of loading to the port of destination. The commitment to fulfil the transport obligation is the only and decisive criterion for a carrier. The salient features of NVOCC (Exports Sea) are as below: ?Register Individual shipment, Shipping Bill wise. ?Club multiple shipping bills under one HBL. ?Club multiple HBLs under one Master B/L. ?Prepare and print Master and House Bill of Lading. ?Specify B/L Charges for various charge heads for both payment and receipts and in any currency. ?Prepare Challan report for HBL. ?Prepare and send Consol Manifest. ?A unique Alert system which updates the user on current status of shipments based on shipment life cycle defined. These alerts can be mailed directly to the customer. ?Prepare and send Shipping Advice to customer. ?Prepare and Print Container Load Plan (CLP). ?Shipped On board (SOB) or Shut Out report preparation. ?Track transhipment details of containers at various Cargo Hubs. ?Various Customer Service reports. Can be sent directly through email from system. ?Prepare and print various types of Invoices e. g. Services and Freight, Brokerage, Lifting Shifting etc. including to Overseas Agent. The salient features of NVOCC (Imports Sea) are as below: ?Record various details for Import Shipment. Maintain various stages of shipment in its life cycle. ?A unique Alert system which updates the user on current status of shipments based on shipment life cycle defined. These alerts can be mailed directly to the customer. ?Keep track of various charges related to a shipment e. g. Freight, Fuel Surcharge, Ex-Works etc. ?Prepare, print and send Cargo Arrival Notice (CAN) to Importer for collection of charges which are linked to Accounts. ?Receive or Send Delivery Order (DO) as the case may be. ?Checks for shipment under Bank Release Order (BRO) and controls issue of DO. Overseas Agent's inward invoice/Credit/Debit Note can be booked into system for each shipment with profit sharing. ?A complete Foreign Remittances module for payment and receipts with RBI and bank covering letters/forms. The salient features of NVOCC (Accounts) are as below: ?Complete accounting package to suit specifically the needs of freight forwarding/NVOCC business with multi location and multi division activity. ?Managing the accounts of individual profit centres combined with common accounting books. ?Prepare/ view trial balance/ profit and loss/ balance sheet for individual profit centres as well as entire company. Prepare and print all types of vouchers e. g. Cash/Bank payment and receipts and Journal vouchers. ?Receipts and payments can be booked against particular invoices with TDS deducted details. ?Book Tra de Bills i. e. related to a particular shipment e. g. Transport or Freight Debit notes. ?Facility for Non Trade bills where tracking can be had for each item in a bill e. g. stationery items, Telephones etc. with separate recording of Service Tax Charged. ?Complete Cheque Book Management module for tracking of checks bank wise and also cancelled and post dated cheques. Merge Data of different Branches in Head Office. ?Complete Security module for rights of each user to operate a certain part of software. ?Data can be exported to TALLY accounting Package. Working of NVOCC’s at Various stages: Warehousing & In plant Logistics Receipt Unloading into warehousing Inspection Storage including stacking Preservation Order execution Dispatch and loading into own/customers’ vehicle Yard Management Receipt of Cargo Inspection Storage Inventory Management Order execution Billing Dispatch to Customers Value Added Services Unpacking/Repacking Grading / Sorting Break-bulk Labelling / Bar Coding Heat Sealing / Shrink Wrapping Assembly related services Quality Check Information Related Services MIS on stock, dispatch KPI related MIS Invoicing related MIS Preparation / submission of Excise returns Invoicing Order Processing Invoice Printing Related Statutory Documentation Inventory Management Re-order Level Assessment & finalization Stock-aging & FSN analysis Distribution (Secondary Transportation) Transportation to Customers’ premises Unloading at Customers’ premises Transit Insurance (as required) Reverse Logistics Transport Load Optimisation

Sunday, September 15, 2019

A Life in the Day Of Sting Essay

I found the Sting article to be extremely intriguing as how a superstar like himself could be so normal and down-to-Earth. The content of the first paragraph explains how Sting grew up with some background information about his father, his beliefs and his common habits. The 2nd paragraph however tells of Sting’s feelings and loves. How he loves and misses his family, when he’s away on tour or they’re away. As the text goes on it talks about his work life and how he manages to keep on top of it, it says how he has to leave his family to go for interviews or talk shows e.g. â€Å"The Des O’Connor Show†. He talks of the guilt and loneliness he suffers from when he’s away from the family for so long. Then he tells of his fatherhood and how he sees himself to be as a father and how he treats his children. The article also explains of how Sting is thankful and grateful of his fame, his fortune and his estates, how he’d feel about having to give them up. It also says what Sting would change about his life if he could, for instance how he’d treat his mum and dad differently now that he knows what mistakes he’s made. My Conclusion of the Text This article has touched on near enough every aspect of how Sting thinks, feels, lives and loves. It touches how he grew up where he grew up and what it was like growing up for him. It tells of the every day routines Sting has got into like doing his yoga before breakfast and why sting doesn’t agree with wearing deodorant because he doesn’t want to be labelled as a product

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Internship Midterm Report

Bad is a non-profit organization that publishes magazines and provides counseling services such as phone counseling, email counseling, face to face counseling. My mall Job responsible Is to writing articles and phone counseling, other than that, there are some minor responsible for the Job, such as help Administrative Department if needed. In phone counseling section, I need to record the cases, my suggestion and my analysis of the cases, for the purpose of follow up when other counselors pick up the phone.For certain cases, we are referring to some centers to follow up or In need, such as unmarried mother. Except phone counseling, another opportunity of this job is able to write articles regarding counseling. I have to come out a topic about some issue regarding youth, such as financial management, thanksgiving, and etc. While the time that writing articles, I have to collect some resources from various area, for example, online websites, magazines, and some books.Articles writing a lso required some technique that different from assignments and report. When I writing an articles, that prefer to SE the word â€Å"we† rather than â€Å"you† or â€Å"them† in order to bring a closer distant to reader and similarity as well, and also, there Is no blaming Issue happen by using word â€Å"we† so that we are not bring offend towards anyone. 2. 0 VALUE 2. 1 Person-centered Therapy The most common therapy matter being used nowadays Is Person-centered Therapy, in which the people are the center of the counseling section.Even we learned it from very beginning, but there are mistakes that I make subconsciously, like blaming fault. Even some mistakes that I know very well and trying to avoid, but cause of never realized that, I been made all those mistakes that shouldn't make In any condition. Fortunately, my â€Å"teacher† is there to tell me where I make mistakes. As my supervisor told me, they can't make adjustment for every word from my mouth towards people, and yet, that might cause their disappointment towards phone counseling If I not doing In a good way. 2. Practical Counseling Technique Every words that we say in counseling section is directly transfer to people, there is no time to consider what therapy matter to use during that time. The things that we can do are analyze what the people say and find out the root of the problem, and then, we take all useful Information to help people to solve their problems. Sometimes, they are troubled because they don't know what to do with the problem, and they call for a solution. That might break the rule of not giving any opinion or 1 OFF know what to do.Therefore, we will give some unavoidable opinion in certain situation, and we try to minimize the space to people to ask for opinion, even though they ask, we are not giving if that can be avoid. According my supervisor, we should ask people to step out the first step if possible, for the first step is the important action to solve problem. Without the first step, there is no further to move on. 2. 3 Selective Attention Every counselor will be facing the same problem during counseling section, the client/patient talk many things and yet not everything related or useful.Therefore, we need to filter out some â€Å"rubbish information† or repeated phrase. Selective attention is what we need within the counseling section, as we have limited time to hold the hone counseling. Within about 20-30 minutes, we have to know what the problem(s) is/are and get as much useful information as we could to examine the problem(s), so we can guide people to a right way to solve the problem. Indeed, selective attention is the useful element for counseling section that to eliminate the information that not helping in solving the problem(s). . 4 Multitasking skill Due to hearing phone counseling and article writing in the same time, I may apply multitasking in the situation. There is no sign to know hotlist wi ll ring during I doing y other works such as writing article, therefore sometimes that may required multitasking skill to handle the situation. To remember what the people say and come out with a suggestion at the same time required not only multitasking skill alone, that may also recall short term memory.Sometimes, there are more than Just two things to handle if I'm alone in the office while others went out or doing things, that time is the best time to practice multitasking skill for future. A man who can handle multiple things at the same time may not be qualified to enter a good ignition, but that easily to be put in consideration as many Jobs required multitasking skill. There are some expectations for every Job; The Bridge Communication Sad Bad is not the exception.I have 2 expectations when I decided to start my internship in The Bridge Communication Sad Bad. 3. 1 Practical Counseling Technique Every student who enters a counseling organization or department may expect to ga in some practical counseling techniques to equip ourselves for future path. Even though we learned many theories and matters from textbooks in class, but to practice t is never same like Just an assignment. In counseling department, I would like to learn how to have a counseling section with all the things I learned.That is a truth for everyone who been working in counseling services, what we learn and what we practice can be very different. During counseling, there is no therapy matter but only some rules to be aware, such as no offend or blaming, always request people to take a first step. 3. 2 Articles Writing Skill As expect before internship start in The Bridge Communication Sad Bad for articles writing been mentioned as one of the Job description, I excited to have this as part of my work.Most of the organization didn't manage to offer articles writing to internship students, even employees since they have no magazine publication within the organization. This would be the inte resting Job description for an internship student to learn more through writing articles, in which I can improve and corrected patients for that may bring either positive or negative effect towards them, yet, that lead a perception of counseling towards people.